Telephony, August 21, 1920, page 16:

Wireless  Telephone  Demonstration  in  San  Francisco.

    The advent of the wireless telephone in the home was witnessed recently in the transmission by radio of the orchestral concert of Herman Heller from the California theater in San Francisco, Calif., to the St. Francis Wood Electrical Home.
    This unusual demonstration was witnessed by a crowd of visitors that taxed the electrical home to its capacity. Promptly at 11 o'clock the strains of the opening number of the concert came through the air and was transmitted through an amplifier that made the notes audible in all parts of the home.
    The demonstration was the first of its kind to be made in San Francisco publicly. It was in a way a reproduction of the same type of demonstration made by Madame Melba a short time ago when she sang to all the old world capitols of Europe through the medium of a wireless telephone installed at the Chelmsford wireless station.
    The program was under the direction of Sheldon N. Petersen, manager of the Leo J. Meyberg Co. In the afternoon the visitors had the opportunity of hearing the regular musical program of the California.