No single event or station introduced radio broadcasting to the entire United States. Instead, broadcasting activities evolved in many locations, slowly entering the public consciousness. By early 1922 there was enough organized activity for various publications to begin putting together national lists of stations that were providing broadcasts intended for the general public. However, because of the scattered nature of the activities, no single list at this time, including this one, was able to keep up with all the stations on the air. (Also, note that the ranges listed for many of these stations appear to be very optimistic, even for optimum nighttime conditions).

The list below was prepared while U.S. broadcasting was going through an important transition. Initially there had been no restrictions on which radio stations could broadcast programs intended for the general public. But on December 1, 1921 the Bureau of Navigation issued a new regulation, which restricted non-government broadcasting to only those stations which held a Limited Commercial licence plus an authorization to use the Entertainment wavelength of 360 meters (833 kilohertz), and/or the Market and Weather wavelength of 485 meters (619 kilohertz). It took a few months for all the stations to fall in line with this new broadcast service regulation, which means that in the list below many stations from other licence categories are still included. However, these stations were now required to either get Limited Commercial licences or stop making broadcasts, which explains why some entries report that, due to the new restrictions, the stations were no longer making broadcasts. (A review of how you can determine a station's licence classification from its callsign is included at the close of this list).

The Consolidated Radio Call Book, 4th edition, May, 1922, page 267:

Radiophone Broadcasting Stations of the United States

(Alphabetically by Cities)

Akron, Ohio.  Radioart Store Station.  8UX.  190-200 meters. Temporarily discontinued on account of recent ruling forbidding broadcasts on 200 meters.

Anacostia, D.C.  NOF and NSF.  350 meters. Former call letters for broadcasts; latter for government work.

Austin, Texas.  State University.  WCM.  360 meters.

Berlin, N.H.  Y.M.C.A.  1BKP.  200 meters. Range about 50 miles; local broadcasts. Impromptu program.

Charlotte, N.C.  Southern Radio Corp.  WBT.  360 meters. Located at 905 Realty Bldg.; 250-watt tube station, consistent range 200 miles daylight, 500 miles night. Broadcasts music, and news of general interest daily, and church services on Sunday.

Chicago, Ill.  Westinghouse Station.  KYW.  360 meters. 2,000-mile radius. 9.30 A.M. to 9.15 P.M. every day except Sunday. Sunday (Chapel Service), 3.00-4.30 P.M. General broadcasts, 9.30 A.M. to 1.15 P.M. Market reports, 2.15, 4.15, and 6.30 P.M. News reports after market reports. Special speakers, 7.00 P.M. Children's bed-time story. 7.30 P.M. Music, 8.00 to 9.00 P.M. News, 9.00 to 9.15 P.M.

Cincinnati, Ohio.  Crosley Manufacturing Co.  WLW.  360 meters. Every evening but at no fixed time; music, lectures, news and information.

Cincinnati O.  Precision Equipment Co.  WMH.  360 meters for concerts; 485 for news. 11.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M., news and weather reports on week days. 8.15 P.M., concerts on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. One of the first stations to adopt regular schedule. 1,000 miles maximum distance heard.

Cleveland, O.  Cox Mfg. Co.  8ACS.  200 meters. Station shut down because of government order prohibiting 200 meter broadcast.

Cleveland, O.  W. R. Cox.  WHK.  360 meters. 300 miles radius. 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M., 3.30 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. to 9.30 P.M. every day.

Columbus, O.  Ohio State University.  8YO.  275 meters. Time signals, market reports and other useful information. 700 miles.

Dallas, Texas.  Police Dept.  WRR.  450 meters. 7.00 P.M., news; 8.30 P.M., music on week days, 11.00 A.M. and 7.45 P.M. Church services on Sunday. Range, 1,500 miles.

Davenport, Iowa.  Palmer School of Chiropractic.  WOC.  360 meters. Concert daily except Sunday, 5.45 to 6.00 P.M. and 7.00 to 8.00 P.M. Sunday. Business review 8.00 to 8.15, P.M. Chimes Sunday, 9.00 to 10.00 A.M. and 5.30 to 6.00 P.M. 1 K.W. two-tube set. Station formerly located at Rock Island. 600 miles.

Dayton, O.  McCook Army Station.  WFO. No information as to range or broadcast yet.

Deal Beach, N.J.  American Tel. & Tel. Co.  2XJ. Varying wave lengths, working with KDOW, test station.

Denver, Colo.  Fitzsimmons Gen. Hospital Station.  5DD.  325 meters. Concert, news daily, 8.15 P.M. Range 1,500 miles.

Denver, Colo.  Reynolds Radio Co.  9ZAF.  360 meters. Weather reports, daily, 8.30 A.M. Weather and news, 7.45 P.M. Concert 8.00 to 9.30 P.M. Range 1,500 miles.

Denver, Colo.  W. D. Pyle.  9WD.  200 meters. Saturday, 8.00 to 9.50 P.M., concert. Range 1,500 miles.

Denver, Colo.  Y.M.C.A. Station.  9YAL.  485 meters. 9.55 P. M., time signals and news. Heard 1,500 miles.

Detroit, Mich.  Detroit News.  WWJ.  360 meters. 4 250-watt tubes, 2 as oscillators; 2 as modulators; and 1 50-watt tube as speech amplifier. 11.30 to 11.55 A.M. phonograph music. 3.30 P.M., market and weather report on 475 meters. 7.00 to 8.15 P.M. evening program. Music, vocal and instrumental, humor, lectures, jokes and vaudville artists. 1,500 miles.

Erie, Pa.  The Electrical Equipment Co.  WJT.  360 meters. No regular program.

Fairfield, Ohio.  U.S. Army Station.  WL2. Experimental station.

Fort Worth, Texas.  Fort Worth Record.  WPA.  360 and 475 meters. News instructions and hints on radio, special question and answer department, concerts and market reports, weather forecast, police and fire reports, 7.10 P.M. Maximum range 100 miles. New set with consistent range of 1,000 miles now in course of erection.

Hamilton, O.  Doron Bros. Electrical Co.  WRK.  360 meters. Heard 800 miles on crystal; maximum 1,400 miles; 8.30 to 10:30 P.M. daily, music; Monday, 10.30, health lecture. Wednesday 8.30, music, lectures and vaudville. Saturdays 8.30, music, health and radio lectures. Alternate Sundays, church services.

Jersey City, N. J.  Hudson City Radio Club.  2CBK.  200 meters. 2.00 to 3.00 P.M. Sunday, music; 5.00 to 6.00 P.M. week days, music. Uses Hudson City Radio Shop's Station.

Jersey City, N. J.  Hudson City Radio Shop.  2BPG.  200 meters. Saturday, 10.00 to 11.00 P.M., music. This station is used to broadcast Hudson City Radio Club material on call 2CBK.

Jersey City, N. J.  Jersey Review.  2IA.  200 meters. Third station in the U.S. to broadcast. Concert, 7.00 to 8.00 P.M. week-day evenings. One-half hour chapel service Sunday evenings. Heard in Memphis, Tenn.; Owensboro, Ky.; S.S. Corona, 950 miles at sea; Toronto, Canada, and Calais, Me.

Jersey City, N. J.  N. J. Wireless Telephone Co.  WNO.  360 meters. Hourly on the half hour from 12.30 to 5.30 P.M., news of the day and music. 6.30 P.M. Monday, half hour program for children; 6.30 P.M. Tuesday, first act of local popular play; 6.30 P.M. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, music.

Lincoln, Neb.  University of Nebraska.  9YY.  375 meters. Heard at Hazelton, Pa. 10.10, market reports and weather forecast. 1,200 miles maximum distance heard.

Los Altos, Calif.  Colin B. Kennedy Co.  KLP.  360 meters. 7.30 to 8.30 P.M., news supplied by the Journal of Electricity and Western Industry, followed by music on Monday. 8.30 to 9.00 P.M., music on Thursday; 4.00 to 6.00 P.M., music on Sunday. Heard in Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa Ohio, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii.

Los Altos, Calif.  Colin B. Kennedy Co.  6XAC.  200 meters. Experimental station.

Los Angeles, Calif.  Leo J. Meyberg Co.  KYJ.  360 meters. Operating for Hamberger Department Store. Heard 1,000 miles in North and Three Rivers, Canada by airplane, San Francisco receives easily, also Idaho, Wyoming and Washington. Music 4.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. Weather reports Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8.00 P.M. to 9.00 P.M. Educational matters, 9.30 A.M. to 10.30 A.M. In connection with this station there is a free radio school--300 to 400 pupils. Night school for adults.

Los Angeles, Calif.  C. R. Kierulff & Co.  KHJ.  360 meters. Broadcasting for Los Angeles Times. Schedule not yet arranged.

Los Angeles, Calif.  Western Radio Elec Co.  KOG. Heard in Quartzburg, Idaho and Boseman, Montana. Press notices every afternoon except Sunday, 5.00 P.M. to 5.45 P.M. Music Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. 8.00 P.M. to 9.00 P.M. Music Friday evening-8.15 P.M. to 9.00 P.M.

Madison, Wisconsin.  University of Wisconsin.  WHA.  360 and 485 meters. Range 1,000 miles. Daily press and market reports by telephone and telegraph, weather and time signals. Music, lectures, Tuesday evenings, 8.00 P.M. to 9.30 P.M. Press bulletin music and announcement of weekly program Friday evenings, and concerts.

Mamaroneck, New York.  Experimental Station.  2BQH.  200 and 1,200 meters. Operates on test work exclusively from 10.30 P.M. and after, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. This station is experimental, working continually for the benefit of the amateur, and it in charge of a competent radio engineer. Heard 1,400 miles away.

Medford Hillside, Mass.  American Radio Research Co.  WGI. Daily 8.00 P.M. Music and regular broadcasts. Radius 1,000 miles. Police reports in slow code, then phone. Station formerly called 1XE.

McKeesport, Pa.  K. & L. Electric Co.  WIK.  360 meters. Daily 6:30 to 7:00 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 to 10:30 P.M. Sunday 1:30 to 2:30 P.M.

Newark, N. J.  L. Bamberger & Co.  WOR.  350 meters. Music from 9.30 to 6.30 hourly on half hour, No Sunday program. Lectures and talks included. Heard at Boston.

Newark N. J.  Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co.  WJZ.  360 meters. Program daily from 11.00 to 6.00 hourly on the hour. Regular program from 7.00 to 10.30. Music, shows, lectures, operas, artists, etc. Time and weather reports. Church services and sacred music on Sundays. 1,800 miles.

Newark, N. J.  Westinghouse Test Station.  2SAI. No schedule. [NOTE: Call was actually 2XAI.]

New York City, N. Y.  Hudson Radio Club.  200 meters and over. 2AYZ, 240 W. 80th St.; 2BHY, 171 E. 79th St.; 2KP, 345 W. 88th St.; 2ADK, 650 West End Ave. Music and club publicity.

New York City, N. Y.  Shipowners' Radio Service.  WDT.  360 meters. No regular schedule at present time.

New York City, N. Y.  John Wanamaker.  WWZ.  360 meters. Broadcasts hourly on the 40 minutes from 11.40 to 5.40 inclusive. At 10.30 broadcasts till midnight. Program music, talks on unusually interesting matters. Heard 1,400 miles.

N. Y. Harbor, N. Y.  Fort Wood, Governor's Island.  WVP.  1,450 meters. Irregular program. Music. Lectures and radio questions answered via radio telephone. Heard 1,200 miles.

Oakland, Calif.  Hotel Oakland.  Western Radio Inst.  Preston D. Allen.  KZM.  360 meters. 1,900-mile radius. News on week days, 7.15 P.M. Music on Tuesdays, 7.30 to 8.15 P.M. Music on Fridays, 8.15 to 9.00 P.M. Sent out first radio sermon in the west to an audience of 30,000.

Parkesburg, Pa.  H. A. Beale.  3XW.  3ZO.  200 meters. Heard in all the New England states. Range about 1,000 miles.

Pasadena, Calif.  J. J. Dunn & Co.  KLB.  360 meters. Heard 600 miles. Music Monday and Friday, 7.30 to 8.15 P.M. Music Sunday, 3.00 to 4.00 P.M. and 8.00 to 9.00 P.M. Power to be increased ten times in six weeks. Professional talent at least once a week.

Pawtucket, R. I.  DeLancey, Felch & Co.  Station of Raymond W. Farnum.  1OJ.  200 meters. No regular program now. Music. Range 150 miles.

Pawtucket, R. I.  Standard Radio & Elec. Co.  1XAD.  290 meters.  Thos. P. Giblin. Station. 2 50-watt tubes, radius 400 miles. Heard at distances of 1,000 miles. Located at 463 Broadway, same city. Broadcasts three days per week, music, lectures and letters read. Now working on 290 meters. Aerial 70 foot long, 9 wires on spreader 15 feet, 11 wires on counterpoise. Ground, 11 wires 70 foot long, copper plates at end.

Philadelphia, Pa.  Gimbel Bros.  WIP.  360 meters. Heard 1,000 miles. Music, speeches, news items. Programs published in Philadelphia papers.

Philadelphia, Pa.  T. F. Howlette.  WGL.  330 meters. No schedule.

Philadelphia, Pa.  Strawbridge & Clothier.  WFI.  360 meters.

Philadelphia, Pa.  John Wanamaker.  WOO.  360 meters. Broadcasting principally a musical program, 7.00 to 10.00 P.M. Temporary installation.

Pittsburgh, Pa.  Doubleday-Hill Electric Co.  KQV.  360 meters. Daily except Saturday and Sunday 2:30 to 3:00 P.M.; Saturday 1:30 to 2 P.M. Sunday 4:00 to 4:30 P.M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:40 to 10:45 P.M. Range 700 miles.

Pittsburgh, Pa.  The Newspaper Printing Co.  WPB.  360 meters. No regular schedule.

Pittsburg, Pa.  Westinghouse Elec. Co.  KDKA.  360 meters. 10.00 to 10.15 A.M. music; 12.30 to 1.00 P.M., music; 2.00 to 2.20 P.M., music; 4.00 to 4.20 P.M., music; 7.30 to 7.45 P.M., bed time story; 7.45 P.M. news; 8.30 to 9.00 P.M., music; 9.00 to 9.05 P.M., United Press Service News; 9.05 to 9.30 P.M., music; music; 9.55 to 10.00 P.M., time signals. Sundays, chapel services, 11.00 A.M., 3.00 and 7.30 P.M. Range 2,000 miles.

Portland, Ore.  Willard P. Hawley.  7XG.  200 meters. Experimental and vocal music between 8.00 and 8.45 P.M. Tuesday and Wednesday, and between 9.00 and 9.30 P.M. Thursday.

Portland, Ore.  Northwestern Radio Mfg. Co.  7XF. Broadcasts every Tuesday and Friday evening at 8.45 P.M. Public Health Service Bulletins. Sends out Industrial News every Monday evening.

Portland, Ore.  The Oregonian.  KSW.  360 meters. Music, talks, news bulletins daily. Maximum distance 900 miles. [NOTE: Call was actually KGW.]

Richmond, Ind.  Richmond Palladium News-Paper Co.  WOZ.  360 meters. Stock and market reports daily at 4.00 and 6.30 P.M. Range about 100 miles.

Ridgewood, N. Y.  Broadcasting Corp. of America for Times Publishing Co.  WHN.  360 meters. 100 miles radius. Every hour on the hour from 8.00 to 11.00 A.M. Every hour on the half hour, 11.00 A.M. to 9.30 P.M.

Roselle Park, N. J.  Radio Corp. of America.  WDY.  360 meters. Program combined with WJZ, the Westinghouse station at Newark, N. J. The Radio Corporation will open a new station in New York about June lst.

Sacramento, Calif.  J. C. Hobrecht.  KVQ.  360 meters. Operating in connection with Sacramento Bee newspaper. Equipment, 5 5-watt tubes; 2 oscillators, 2 modulators, 1 speech amplifier. Heard in Alberta, Canada, Washington, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. Every afternoon from 5.30 to 6.30, press notices and music. Wednesday and Saturday, 8.00 to 9.00 P.M., music. Range about 1,000 miles.

St. Louis, Mo.  St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  KSD.  360 meters. Sends grain reports lectures and music daily. Heard 500 miles.

San Jose, Calif.  Chas. D. Herrold.  KQW.  360 meters. Equipment, 50-watt phone with facilities for connecting with the telephone line. 1,500-mile radius. Music and church services are transmitted by telephone to the laboratories, and then re-transmitted via radio.

Schenectady, N. Y.  General Electric Co.  WGY.  360 meters. Heard in Iowa, Minneapolis and Cuba. 1,600 miles. Broadcasts music, speech and topics of general interest.

Schenectady, N. Y.  Union College Radio Club.  WRL.  360 meters. Weekly program, Sunday 7.30 P.M. Irregular program during week. Power, 1 kilowatt.

Seattle, Wash.  Northern Radio Elec. Co.  WJO.  360 meters. Operating in conjunction with Seattle Post Intelligencer. 100-watt vacuum-tube transmitter. Heard by ship 3,600 miles at sea. News, market reports, music, etc. Seven to nine hours daily. Land range about 1,200 miles.

Seattle, Wash.  Post Intelligencer.  KFC.  360 meters. Operated by the Northern Radio Co. News bulletins between 12.00 and 1.00 P.M. on special occasions; at 3.30 and 5.30 P.M., news bulletins, market quotations and music. 8.30 to 10.30 P.M., cables, news, new phonograph records, concerts.

Springfield, Mass.  Westinghouse Station.  WBZ.  360 meters. Children's bed time story, 7.30 P.M. (every day except Sunday); prominent speaker, 7.45 P.M. (every day except Sunday); musical program, 8.00 to 9 P.M. (every day except Sunday); chapel service, 3.00 P.M. Sunday; church service, 8.00 P.M. Sunday. Maximum distance 1,400 miles.

Seattle, Wash.  Excelsior Motorcycle Co.  KHQ. Works on divided schedule with Northwest Radio Service. Broadcast 7.00 to 9.00 P.M. Music.

Stockton, Calif.  C. O. Gould.  KJQ.  360 meters. 75 to 100 mile radius, operated by D. W. Horstmeyer. 5.00 to 5.30 P.M., news and music on week days. 7.00 to 8.00 P.M., music on Wednesdays and Sundays. 10.00 to 11.00 A.M., church services on Sundays.

Washington, D. C.  Church of the Covenant.  WDM.  360 meters. Church services on Sunday only at 11:00 AM., 3:30 and 8:00 P.M. Range 900 miles. Power 50 Watts.

Washington, D. C.  Doubleday Hill Elec. Co.  WMV. Every afternoon from 4.30 to 5.30 P.M. Thursday and Friday from 7.30 8.30 P.M. [NOTE: Call was actually WMU.]

Washington, D. C.  White & Boyer Co.  WJH. Concerts with short lectures on radio, Keith's vaudeville, music, etc. Range 1,000 miles.

    The above list of radiophone broadcasting stations, together with the information as to their calls, wave lengths, broadcasting schedules and the maximium distances at which they have been heard, has been carefully verified and is presented as authentic. There are other stations which have not been included in the above list because the information regarding them is either lacking in detail or has not been directly verified by the stations themselves. A list of these stations follows:

Information correct up to May 1st 1922.

Additional Broadcasting Stations

4CD  Atlanta, Ga., Garter Electric Co.
WNJ  Albany, N. Y. The Shotton Radio Mfg. Co.
WKC  Baltimore, Md. Joseph M. Zamoiski Company
WWT  Buffalo, N. Y. McCarty Bros. and Ford.
WWB  Canton, Ohio. Daily News Printing Company
WJB  Granville, Ohio. Dennison University
WBU  Chicago, Ill. City of Chicago
KOP  Detroit, Michigan Police Department
KFU  Gridley, Calif. The Precision Shop
KGC  Hollywood, Calif. The Electric Lighting Co.
WEV  Houston, Texas. Hurlburt Still Electrical Co.
WOH  Indianapolis, Ind. Hatfield Electric Co.
WLK  Indianapolis, Ind. The Hamilton Mfg. Co.
WOS  Jefferson City, Mo. Missouri State Marketing Bureau
WOQ  Kansas City, Mo. Western Radio Co.
WHW  Lansing, Michigan. Stuart W. Seeley
------  Los Gatos, Calif. Heard by ships 2,500 miles at sea.
360 meters
VCA  Montreal, Canada. Marconi Telegraph Company of Canada, Ltd.
XDA  Mexico City, Mex.
WHN  Memphis, Tenn. Riechman Crosby Co. [NOTE:
Call was actually WKN.

WPG  New Lebanon, Ohio. Nushawg Poultry Farm
WGJ or WCS  New Haven, Conn. A. C. Gilbert Co.
[NOTE: Call was actually WCJ.]
WCL  Philadelphia, Pa. [Note: Call was actually WGL]
WOK  Pine Bluff, Ark. The Pine Bluff Co.
KGF  Pomano, Calif. The Ponoma Fixture and Wiring Co.
WHQ  Rochester, N.Y. The Rochester Times Union
4BQ  Rome, Ga.
------  San Francisco, Calif. Fairmont Hotel. 360 meters.
KUO  San Francisco, Calif. The Examiner Printing Co.
KWG  Stockton, Calif. Portable Wireless Tel. Co.
KJJ  Sunnyvale, Calif. The Radio Shop
KFZ  Spokane, Wash. Doerr Mitchell Electric Co.
WEW  St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis University
WDZ  Toledo, Ohio. Marshall Gerkin Co. 27 Ontario Ave.
WDW  Washington, D.C. The Radio Construction Co.
WEY  Wichita, Kans. Cosradio Co.
KQP  Yakima, Wash. Electric Power and Appliance Co.
KFV  Yakima, Wash. Bradbury Radio Store
WMC  Youngstown, Ohio. Columbia Radio Co.

Callsigns and Licence Classifications: Most of the stations listed above which have callsigns starting with K or W (WBT, KYW, WMH, WHK, KDKA etc.) held the Limited Commercial licences which, with the adoption of the December 1, 1921 broadcast service regulations, had become mandatory for private broadcasting stations. (Many of these stations had previously held licences in other classifications, especially Experimental and Amateur. Also, it was not uncommon for a station to hold more than one licence, and operate under different callsigns according to the licence classification it fell under at the time it was on the air).

Numerous stations in this list have callsigns that start with a number, which was the Radio Inspection District in which they were located, followed by two or three letters. Despite the similarity of their calls, these stations were actually divided among four different licence classifications, although what they did have in common was that, because of the December 1st regulations, they all were now required to get Limited Commercial licences if they wanted to continue to make broadcasts intended for the general public. Many stations in the above list had standard Amateur licences, which meant they normally transmitted on the congested wavelength of 200 meters (1500 kilohertz). The callsign rule for standard Amateur stations was that the letter following the district number could be anything except X, Y, or Z. Some of the better known standard Amateur stations appearing in the above list are 2IA in Jersey City, New Jersey, 1OJ in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and 4CD in Atlanta, Georgia. The other three licence categories -- Experimental, Technical and Training School, and Special Amateur -- which had callsigns starting with district numbers were known collectively as the Special Land stations. These stations generally were allowed to transmit on the less congested wavelengths between 600 and 200 meters (500 to 1500 kilohertz). Experimental stations had callsigns with an X as the first letter following the district number. Some of the more prominent Experimental stations from this list include 2XJ in Deal Beach, New Jersey, 6XAC in Los Altos, California, 1XE in Medford Hillside, Massachusetts and 1XAD in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Technical and Training School licences were most commonly issued to colleges and universities, and their callsigns had a Y immediately after the district number. Two Technical and Training School stations are included in this list -- 8YO, Columbus, Ohio (Ohio State University), and 9YY, Lincoln, Nebraska (University of Nebraska). Finally, Special Amateur licences allowed qualified amateurs to legally operate on the less congested wavelengths, and their calls had a Z after the district number. The two Special Amateur stations in this list are 9ZAF in Denver, Colorado, and 3ZO in Parkesburg, Pennsylvania.

A few U.S. Government stations are also listed. (Government stations were exempt from the private station requirement that broadcast stations have Limited Commercial licences). Stations operated by the U.S. Navy were assigned calls starting with N, including NOF in Anacostia, D.C. The U.S. Army stations were supposed to use calls starting with WUA to WVZ and WXA to WZZ, hence Fort Wood's WVP in New York Harbor. However, other Army stations at this time seem to have used whatever calls they wanted, such as Fairfield, Ohio's WL2. Finally, there is one ship station mentioned in this list. The entry for 2XJ in Deal Beach, New Jersey refers to KDOW, which was the S.S. America.

Additional Information: The various land station licence classifications are defined in the August 15, 1919 edition of Radio Communication Laws of the United States, beginning with regulation 51. For a detailed review of U.S. callsign practices, see United States Callsign Policies. For a comprehensive overview of the establishment of the Limited Commercial broadcast service and the current status of many of the stations listed above, see United States Pioneer Broadcast Service Stations. And for more information on radio station lists, see Early Radio Station Lists Issued by the U.S. Government.