The Sailors' Magazine and Seamen's Friend, May, 1892, page 145:
Sea Telegraphy.
We have for years argued the importance of having quick communications with lightships, lighthouses, and points of land that extend into the sea, which are now communicated with only by slow processes, to the end that much life and property might be saved which otherwise are lost. The new method of sea telegraphy which has been invented by Thomas A. Edison is destined to accomplish this object in the most satisfactory manner.
The system is based on the induced current. Mr. Edison has already so far perfected his invention that ships are enabled to communicate with each other at great distances, without the use of wires. The principle is the same as that of the train telegraph system, by which trains communicate with each other and with various stations while at full speed, and which is now in successful operation. Since train telegraphy is a practical success, there is little reason to doubt that the sea system will be the same. It is probable, furthermore, that if Mr. Edison can use the induced current for a distance of ten feet he can use it at a distance of ten or even one hundred miles.
Once this device is in general operation, there is sure to be a remarkable decrease in loss of life at sea. The old code of signals employed by ships, lighthouses and life saving stations will quickly become obsolete, and be superseded by the quick and perfect electric code. This nation leads the world in new ideas for the relief of humanity, and this is one of the most important which has yet been placed to Mr. Edison's credit.--The Marine Journal.