San Francisco Call, December 18, 1899, page 7:

PITTSBURG, Dec. 17.--Bold researches by Professor Reginald Fessenden and his assistant, Professor Kintner, in the electrical laboratory of the Western University of Pennsylvania have resulted in the production of a receiver for wireless telegraphy that is 2000 times more sensitive than the so-called "coherer" of the Marconi system.
    In speaking of the discovery to-day, Professor Fessenden said: "Although we have improved the receiver so that it is 2000 times as sensitive as the original one, we realize that we have not yet begun to see the limit. Marconi, in his brilliant experiments, has demonstrated that messages can be sent over ninety miles. As our receiver is several hundred times more sensitive, it is clear that the messages can be sent by our method very much farther, though just what the limit is I would not like to say. It at least should be possible to send messages across the Atlantic with poles less than 200 feet high. The ultimate distance must be checked by actual experiment before it becomes a scientific fact in the strictest sense."