Atlanta Journal, January 1, 1899, page 17:

Telephone Newspaper of Budapest
    According to The Times-Democrat of New Orleans an expert in the employ of the New Orleans Telephone Company has just returned from Europe, where he had an opportunity of seeing the much-talked-of telephone newspaper of Budapest, regarding which he says: "The apparatus in my room consisted of a curved steel trap to go over the head with a small ear piece at each end. It was attached to a flexible cord about fourteen feet long and could be moved a about as one chose. There was also a sort of buzzer fixed in the wall and when anything of special importance was about to be transmitted it gave out a faint hum. Over the buzzer was a printed programme for the day, including numerous musical selections and several recitations of poetry. I clamped the thing on my head immediately and was startled to hear a deep bass voice bellowing a stream of Hungarian, of which I understood not a word. I had no idea it would be so loud. The speaker seemed in a tremendous hurry and his gabble was something appalling. Between communication, the machine made a clacking noise, like winding a clock--why I could never learn. I sampled the music later and found it good. The thing was certainly great fun until the novelty wore off, and I used to take it to bed with me sometimes. They talked advertisements over it between the news items, and I was told that they got a good rate. But I have my doubts about it paying. I encountered hardly any citizens who had it in their houses. They seemed to regard is as a toy to amuse foreigners."