Boston Globe, June 22, 1902, page 32:



    In an illustrated article on "The Latest Advance in Wireless Telephony," published in its issue of May 24, 1902, the Scientific American, known all over the world as the leading scientific publication of America, makes the following interesting statements:
    "The latest and one of the most interesting systems of wireless communication with which experiments have recently been conducted is the invention of Nathan Stubblefield of Murray, Ky, an electrical engineer, who is the patentee of a number of devices both in this country and abroad. The Stubblefield system differs from that originated by Marconi in that utilization is made of the electrical currents of the earth, instead of the ethereal waves employed by the Italian inventor, and which, by the way, it is now claimed, are less powerful and more susceptible to derangement by electrical disturbances than by currents found in earth and water.
    "The most interesting tests of the Stubblefield system have been made on the Potomac River, near Washington. During the land tests complete sentences, figures and music were heard at a distance of several hundred yards, and conversation was as distinct as by the ordinary wire telephone. Persons, each carrying a receiver and transmitter with two steel rods, walking about at some distance from the stationary station, were enabled to instantly open communication by thrusting the rod into the ground at any point. An even more remarkable test resulted in the maintenance of communication between a station on shore and a steamer anchored several hundred feet from shore. Communication between the steamer and shore was opened by dropping the wires from the apparatus on board the vessel into the water at the stern of the boat. The sounds of a harmonica played on shore were distinctly heard in the three receivers attached to the apparatus on the steamer, and singing, the sound of the human voice counting numerals, and ordinary conversation were audible."
    The above comment on the superiority of the earth and water currents is especially significant. Certainly the success of the recent demonstrations would indicate that this claim is true, and it is a very strong point in favor of Mr. Stubblefield's system. Even the ordinary telephone wires are, as every user knows, frequently annoying and sometimes useless from interference of various kinds, and the freedom of the Stubblefield system from such interference will be an additional reason for its substitution in place of the present systems.
    No additional reasons, however, seem to be needed to increase the demand for it. Its economy and simplicity, and the success of the recent demonstrations have aroused such a demand from all over the country for the immediate installation of the Stubblefield system, that its future is already assured beyond a doubt. It becomes not only necessary to build a plant to supply such part of this demand as Mr. Stubblefield's company, the WIRELESS TELEPHONE COMPANY OF AMERICA, can itself meet, but to form sub-companies to take care of the different sections through the country. Negotiations are now in progress for the construction of a plant for the parent company, which it is hoped to begin within a very few weeks. As the parent company will own 35 percent interest in all of its sub-companies, it will derive large additional profits from them, besides the cash bonuses received for territory, which become at once available for dividends on its stock.
    The Wireless Telephone Co. of America has been incorporated by Mr. Stubblefield, with a capital of $5,000,000, par value $1.00 per share, full-paid and non-accessible, $2,000,000 of which has been placed in the treasury to provide a working fund. The executive and directorate of the company comprise successful business men of the highest reputation, known for their shrewdness and integrity, and all actively interested in its affairs, thus ensuring its successful conduct.

C. H. WARTHMAN of Warthman & Co., Packers, Philadelphia, PRESIDENT.
CHAS. FRANCIS  JONES, Vice-President N. E. Bread Co., Boston, VICE PRESIDENT.
HENRY  CLAY  FISH, Standard Butter Co., TREASURER.
NATHAN  STUBBLEFIELD, Inventor of Wireless Telephony, Murray, Ky.
LORIN  M. SAUNDERS, President Washington Savings Bank, Washington, D. C.
TRUST  COMPANY  OF  THE  REPUBLIC, 346 Broadway, New York.
Counsel, THOS. D. ADAMS, New York, Chief Counsel American Ice Co., Garfield National and New Amsterdam National Banks.

    The wide-spread interest in this invention and its great possibilities not only continues, but increases. Subscriptions have been coming in so fast for stock that, as intimated last Sunday, we are obliged to announce the discontinuance of its sale at the present price of 25c. per share after Tuesday, July 1st. The directors consider that the sale of any more stock at this price is rather detrimental to the company's interests than otherwise, and the books will therefore be closed on the above date. While more money will undoubtedly be needed to effect the company's purposes, and a further offering of stock may be made later, it will only be at a much higher figure, to be determined by the directors.
    Subscriptions to the present issue, dated and postmarked not later than July 1st, will be given all possible consideration, but it is extremely probable that the stock will be over-subscribed, in which case the right is expressly reserved to decline or scale down any subscription.
    With the vast savings made in cost and maintenance by the Stubblefield system, it is not unreasonable to expect that the earnings of Bell Telephone will be easily equalled by those of this company. Its stock at 25c. places the subscriber on the same basis as the earliest investors in Bell, whose profits have amounted to over 2,000%.
    Call or send for illustrated prospectus containing detailed information.

Wireless Telephone Co. of America,
8 Exchange Pl., Boston.