Electrical World, December 1, 1906, page 1032:
WIRELESS TRACKING OF FISH.--One of the large American fishing fleets has adopted wireless telegraphy as a means of keeping track of the schools of fish that haunt the Atlantic coast. The Fisheries Company controls the menhaden fishing industry of the coast, operating from Maine to Charleston, S. C., having factories centrally located at different points along the coast. It has forty steamers in its fleet and its object in adopting wireless is to get in closer touch with the fish as they traverse the Atlantic seaboard, as well as keeping in touch with its steamers from the shore. It will arrange to communicate with coastwise steamships equipped with wireless and in this way learn of the movements of fish that may be sighted by these coasting steamships. It will also be in position to use wireless to advantage in keeping its fleet posted. For instance, part of its fleet may be up around Sandy Hook cruising for fish, while the other part may be off Virginia, and in the event of their finding fish in either point, they could at the moment notify each other and all assemble without delay to the location where the fish are being caught. If the above installations prove satisfactory, the Fisheries Company will arrange to install wireless on the remainder of its fleet. Six steam vessels have now been equipped with the DeForest system.