Contrary to President White's claim, United Wireless actually had not gained control over the Marconi companies. Six years later there would be a consolidation, but it would be Marconi that would take over the now-bankrupt United Wireless.
Electrical World, November 24, 1906, page 984:
Wireless Telegraph Consolidation.
A rumor is afloat that certain interests are planning a consolidation of wireless telegraph companies which will bring under one head the Marconi and De Forest systems of America and Europe. Abraham White, president of the De Forest Company, last week announced that a company, to be called the United Wireless Telegraph Company, will be formed, which will take over the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, of England, which controls the Marconi Companies of America, Canada and Europe, and the American De Forest Wireless Telegraph Company, which is the parent company of the English De Forest enterprise. These two concerns control the bulk of the wireless systems now operating in English-speaking countries, with instruments on substantially all of the ocean-going vessels, flying the American and English flags. The United Wireless Telegraph Company is to be capitalized at $20,000,000. The directors of the new company are: Abraham White, president of the American De Forest Company; H. H. Buchanan, of A. O. Brown & Co., bankers; H. H. McClure, director Marconi Wireless Company; Don Giovani del Principi del Drago, of Rome; George Irving Whitney, Pittsburg, Pa.; C. C. Galbraith, general manager Atlantic Wireless Company; S. S. Bogart, former general superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company; Charles A. Lieb, mechanical engineer, formerly expert for General Electric Company; Greenleaf Whittier Pickard, former engineer American Bell Telephone Company; John S. Seymour, Francis K. Butler, Phillip Farnsworth, Arthur English and George C. Knabe, all of this city. Mr. White is president of the new company, Mr. Buchanan vice-president, Mr. Knabe treasurer, and Mr. English secretary.
All these statements are denied categorically by ex-Gov. John W. Griggs, of New Jersey, who is president of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America. He says:
"The managers of the Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, and of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, deem it their duty to the public to deny absolutely and unequivocally that the United Wireless Telegraph Company has acquired control of more than 51 per cent of the Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, and to deny that the United Wireless Telegraph Company controls a majority of the stock of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America. The managers, directors and a majority of the stockholders of both of the Marconi Companies are not interested in any wise in the United Wireless Telegraph Company; the latter company has no agreement or prospect of agreement by which it will obtain control of either of said Marconi Companies, and the scheme of merger announced by Mr. White is antagonistic and repugnant to the interests of both of the Marconi Companies."
In addition to the denials of the Marconi officials of any part in the merger, the plans of Mr. White are further interfered with, according to a notification received at the Marconi offices from James A. Allen, attorney for certain De Forest stockholders, by an injunction granted in the United States Circuit Court in Maine, restraining Abraham White, the American De Forest Wireless Telegraph Company, and other White concerns from transferring the patents and plants of the De Forest Company.
Two of the directors elected to office in Mr. White's new company announced recently that they would not serve. They are G. I. Whitney, of Pittsburg, and E. F. Buchanan, of the firm of A. O. Brown & Co. Both men pleaded that they were too busy to serve.