How One Hundred Dollars
Grew to Two Hundred
Long after the Bell Telephone was a scientific success people scoffed at the idea that it would ever be commercially profitable. Business men otherwise shrewd and long headed did not see how financial transactions could be carried on a telephone wire without any way to identify the man at the other end. There were others who doubted if the contrivance could be kept in working order. A Bell telephone line, complete in every respect, was exhibited at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876, and of the hundreds of thousands who saw it and tested it there were probably not more than a dozen who considered it anything else than an amusing toy. Yet this so-called toy has become one of the greatest commercial agents of the modern world--so important that if it were to go out of business for one day it would demoralize the industries of the United States.
Bell Telephone stock sold so low in its early days that $100.00 invested then has increased to $200,000.00.
United Wireless Telegraph Company
Keep the instructive lesson of Bell Telephone stock in mind when considering wireless telegraphy. Telegraphing through the air, without wires, cables or costly apparatus, is a far greater achievement than the telephone--not only from the scientific, but also from the commercial standpoint.
Wireless telegraphy is destined to supplant entirely the telephone, telegraph and cable systems of the world. It will be the universal means of communication in the future. That's the reason the shares of the United Wireless Telegraph Company are the nest eggs of fortune.
The Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies have been obliged to raise their rates, owing to the increase in the price of copper, metal, poles, etc. Wireless requires no wire, poles or franchises, and as it is the cheapest means of communication it will eventually do the greatest volume of business.
Write today. It costs you nothing to find out all about it.
What This Company is Doing
The United Wireless Telegraph Company was organised to unify the wireless telegraph interests of America and Europe for the purpose of securing an interchange of messages between all ships at sea and generally advancing and extending wireless telegraphy.
The company now represents established operating and commercial success, and through the companies which it controls is earning money every day and hour.
More Orders Than It Can Fill
The Atlantic Wireless Telegraph Company, one of the number controlled by the United Wireless Telegraph Company, is getting more orders for the installation of wireless instruments than it can fill. On one day--Saturday, February 2--eleven great steamers left New York for different ports equipped with this system, and contracts were made another day of the same week for equipping five steamships of the great Hamburg-American line. This system is now in active use on over eighty steamships, including vessels of the United Fruit Company and Standard Oil Company.
Wireless is as necessary on the ocean as the telegraph and telephone are on the land. All great trans-Atlantic steamers are now equipped with it, and the time is fast approaching when every vessel that sails the seas will have a wireless outfit.
We offer to investors a small allotment of 7 per cent preferred participating stock of the United Wireless Telegraph Company at par--$10 a share--fully paid and non-assessable.
The possibilities of wireless telegraphy are boundless, and the profit to original investors must be greater than in any of the world's great inventions.
The shares of this company have been in great demand and the price is continually advancing.
WE WILL SEND YOU FREE particulars of the greatest investment that is now offered the American public. It is only necessary for you to fill in the coupon.
. . . BANKERS . . .
Real Estate Trust Building, Cor. Van Ness and Golden Gate
568 Golden Gate Av., San Francisco, Cal.
Send in your order at once for as many shares you desire at $10 a share, with remittance by check, money order, registered letter or bank draft.
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Mail This Coupon (for further details) Today. |
Gentlemen: Please send me, free of expense, a prospectus and a copy of "Marconi Wireless News," as per your offer in the San Francisco Call of April 21, 1907. |
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