Electrician and Mechanic, October, 1908, page 146:


    THE wireless telegraph "mania" has reached a high state of development in the Monumental City, the majority of amateurs using the latest methods of tuned systems.
    The ages of these amateurs vary greatly, the youngest being under fifteen years, while the oldest--well, that cuts no figure, but he is at least forty-five years young.
    The development of this art was primarily in the hands of certain employees of the C. & P. Telephone Company, who advanced from the filings coherer stage to the tuned circuit and detector degrees in leaps and bounds. They, in turn, have started others, until at least thirty different wireless enthusiasts have excellent receiving and transmitting stations.
    Among the best equipments are those of Mr. F. T. Iddings, the "Father of Wireless" in Baltimore; that of Mr. Harry Kirwan, of West Arlington; Mr. Robert N. Adams' station in Walbrook; and the station of W. C. Getz on Fulton Avenue, Baltimore. These were the original four in Baltimore wireless development.
    The recent experimenters in this field, who have made notable records for the short time that they have been "on the job," are Mr. Slade, who has an excellent station at the Marlborough Apartments; Mr. Henry, whose station competes fairly with those of the government; The Voltamp Manufacturing Company, who have introduced an innovation in mast construction, in shape of a mast built of pipe sections; and the station of Mr. Bosley Thomas on Carrollton Avenue.
    The former as well as the latter experimenters owe a good deal of their success to the cooperation of Mr. Kelly, of the firm of Wm. A. Read & Co., who with Mr. Waddell formerly operated the De Forest station on the American Building of this city.
    Judging from the past success of experiments, Baltimore will soon hold the enviable position of being the center of wireless development in the United States. This is but right, since it was in Baltimore that Professor Morse first successfully demonstrated wireless telegraphy, and had the first telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington.