The original scan of this article is at:
The San Francisco Call, September 13, 1908, page 37:
PALO ALTO, Sept. 12.--C. F. Elwell, engineer of the McCarty Wireless telephone company, exhibited his apparatus to Wendell Easton, constructor of the first electric road in San Francisco, and T. P. Andrews of grand jury fame, yesterday.
Speech and music were transmitted for a distance of a mile without the aid of intervening wires and within a week Elwell expects to continue his tests with a station here and out at Mountain View, a distance of five miles, over which space he is confident that he can give an equally good demonstration. The phone works on the Hertzian-wave principle of the wireless telegraph, and as soon as the instruments cover the local five mile test satisfactorily, steps will be taken to have the apparatus installed on one of the battleships by the government, which require an efftcieney test of an equal distance.