This recap of United Wireless Telegraph Company officials and directors is universally glowing, not surprising given that "The Aerogram" was a promotional publication issued by the company. Despite the numerous assurances of honesty and propriety, the company was actually being run primarily as a huge stock-promotion scheme, so a better title for this article might have been "Here Are Some People Who Want to Steal Your Money". And three years later, the law would catch up with the scheme, as Five Wireless Men Are Found Guilty reported the prosecution of numerous United Wireless employees, including, among persons mentioned in this article, President Wilson, his nephew, Treasurer Diboll, Vice President Bogart, and Directors Parker and Galbraith.
The Aerogram, November, 1908, pages 124 (photograph), 135-137:
To Holders of United Wireless Telegraph Company Stock
NOTE.--In the daily editions, sold aboard ships, on this page is printed the ship's passenger list and on the two pages following is printed current news, from all parts of the world, sent directly to the ships by United Wireless. In the monthly editions these pages will contain information of special interest to United shareholders.
The success of an enterprise depends largely on the integrity and self-interests of the officers directing it. Often an enterprise, which could have been made profitable, is wrecked because its officers can make more money by selling their stock, which cost them nothing or very little. Again, some companies are controlled by one or two men who "borrow" the names of other men to induce investment in its stock and, after building up a valuable business, deliberately wreck it in order to "freeze out" the investing stockholders and obtain the business for themselves.
The wireless telegraph has experienced all of the troubles usually attendant on the development of a new discovery, and for good measure some frills of present-day high finance were thrown in. But it has survived and is now a strong, growing and healthy industry. The United Wireless Telegraph Company is officered and directed by men who are responsible for the protection and present rapidly increasing value of the investment of fifteen thousand (15,000) holders of United Wireless Telegraph stock. It is unlikely that they should want to or could "freeze out" any investor now. There is no promotion stock and every director is a stockholder who HAS INVESTED in wireless and is interested only in seeing their holdings grow in value and in the company making a net profit with which to pay dividends. The stock held by these directors is at present non-transferable under the same conditions as is the stock of the balance of the shareholders.
The following is a list of the officers and directors of the United Wireless Telegraph Company. It is a pleasure to be associated with such men in an enterprise and to aid them in the extension of "Wireless Communication," which shall play so important a part in the further civilization and progress of the entire world:
C. C. Wilson--President
COLONEL C. C. WILSON, Director and President of the United Wireless Telegraph Company, is also the President of the International Loan & Banking Company, Denver, Colo., and also President of a very successful Colorado gold mining company (which has no stock for sale), and is considered to be a man of large means. Col. Wilson originally invested a large sum in the American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company, and through the "Investment Department" of his bank sold American DeForest stock and bonds to a large number of regular clients and personal friends. In order to protect his own investment, as well as the interest of those to whom he sold the stock, it was necessary for him to aid in the reorganization, protection and expansion of the wireless telegraph. Col. Wilson and associates advanced the necessary funds to organize the United Company and purchase the assets of the American DeForest when such assets were sold under sheriff's foreclosure.
S. S. Bogart--Vice President
MR. S. S. BOGART, New York City, Director and Vice-President of the United Company, was with the Western Union Telegraph Company for about eighteen years, starting in at and filling a minor position, he worked up to be chief superintendent over the entire Western Union's operations. Some years ago he retired from the Western Union and shortly thereafter became interested in the commercial and technical development of the Wireless Telegraph. Mr. Bogart is rated an authority on telegraphic communication and in an advisory capacity adds great strength in the company's operating department. He has a considerable financial interest in the commercial success of the United Company.
Cloyd Marshall--Secretary
MR. CLOYD MARSHALL, New York City, Director and Secretary of the United Company, was First Assistant to the Chief of the Electrical Department of the St. Louis World's Fair and was largely responsible for the noteworthy success of the illumination and power, electrical displays and installations at the Great Exposition at St. Louis. Mr. Marshall is an Electrical Engineer and Expert, standing exceptionally well in his profession and by several years' devotion to wireless work is rated very high, as a wireless expert. Mr. Marshall has charge of the technical business end of the company.
W. A. Diboll--Treasurer
MR. W. A. DIBOLL, Treasurer of the company, is also Vice-President of the International Loan & Banking Company, Denver, Colo., is a nephew of Col. Wilson and interested with him in many of his enterprises. Mr. Diboll impresses one as being a clean, clear-cut, able and conscientious young man.
Geo. H. Parker--Director
MR. GEO. H. PARKER, Seattle, Wash., is a large shareholder in the United Company and with others, advanced the money necessary to form the United Company and to protect the interests of himself and other share-holders in the American DeForest Company. Mr. Parker is interested in protecting his own intersts in the wireless telegraph as well as some clients and customers to whom he had sold wireless stock.
M. A. Kopperl--Director
MR. M. A. KOPPERL, Austin, Texas, is an attorney of means and excellent reputation. He has represented the United Company in several legal matters and with Judge Allen, of Texas, represents the company in the negotiations of Mexican and Central American contracts. Judge Allen, above referred to, has been the personal attorney for Col. Wilson and a close friend for a long time. He is considered one of the best attorneys in Texas and holds an important position among the United Company's legal advisers.
C. C. Galbraith--Director
MR. C. C. GALBRAITH, Brooklyn, N. Y., was for years General Manager in New York for Armour & Co., which position he resigned when he became interested in "wireless" in 1902. Anyone familiar with the business management of the Armour Company will know that Mr. Galbraith must be exceedingly capable to have held for sixteen years one of its most responsible positions. Mr. Galbraith has full supervision of the marine department of the company, one of the company's chief sources of revenue.
C. M. Fickert--Director
MR. C. M. FICKERT, San Francisco, Cal., represents his own interests as an investor and the interests of a large number of shareholders on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Frickert is an attorney of note and of considerable means. He represents the Japanese and Chinese Governments at the port of San Francisco, as attorney, and is also United States District Attorney for that district.
Frederick I. J. Hanson--Director
MR. FREDERICK I. J. HANSON, Philadelphia, Pa., is Vice-President and General Manager of the Friehofer Baking Company, wholesale bakers. Mr. Hanson and Mr. Friehofer each invested large sums in "American DeForest" and through their influence a great number of their relatives and business clients also invested. Mr. Hanson was selected by that body of investors to represent their interests on the "United" Board.
Dr. David J. Starr--Director
DR. DAVID J. STARR, Columbus Ohio, is the Chaplain of the Ohio State Penitentiary and was formerly Presiding Elder for Southwestern Ohio District. Dr. Starr is a man of means and most conscientious in fulfilling his obligations to others. He has a considerable interest in the company and was selected by the bankers, business men and investors of all classes, in Columbus, to represent their interests on the Board of the United Company. At a recent meeting of those stockholders, who reside in Columbus, a resolution was adopted endorsing the management of the company and thanking Dr. Starr for his aid in helping the company to attain such pronounced success.
G. Ross Eshelman--Director
MR. G. ROSS ESHELMAN, Lancaster, Pa., was selected by an organization of Lancaster shareholders who had invested between $100,000 and $200,000 in "American DeForest" and who exchanged their stock for "United." Mr. Eshelman is an attorney of note in Central Pennsylvania and is a man of considerable means and undisputed integrity.
Dr. I. Newton Snively--Director
DR. I. NEWTON SNIVELY, Philadelphia, Pa., is one of Philadelphia's prominent physicians and invested a considerable amount in wireless, and through his influence many of his clients and friends invested. Dr. Snively was selected by a number of investors in Philadelphia to represent them on the "United" Board.
Capt. Joseph S. Burke--Director
CAPT. JOSEPH S. BURKE, Atlanta, Ga., was selected by an organization of shareholders in Atlanta, consisting of eight or ten bank presidents and fifty or more of the prominent business men of Atlanta, who were purchasers of wireless stock. Capt. Burke is a capitalist of large means, excellent judgment and highest social position.
These officers and directors, as officers and directors, draw no salaries, although some of them who are employed in the business or technical departments of the company, receive an income for work for which the company would have to employ someone else, if they did not serve. Each of these officers and directors is chiefly interested in the protection of his own investment and the investment of his friends.