At this time Manley Gillam, the president of the new company, was the New York Herald advertising manager.
New York Herald, October 7, 1909, page 9:
Telephone Newspaper Company of America to Furnish News of World Over Wire.
Corporation with Capital of $100,000 to Use Patents Adopted by Similar Bureaus Abroad.
The Telephone Newspaper Company of America, with offices in this city, announced yesterday that probably within a year's time it will be in a position to furnish subscribers with news of general interest, political happenings, baseball reports by innings and a score of other branches of current events by telephone to a subscriber's home.
While this is the first telephone newspaper company in this country, the plan of distributing news by telephone from central stations has met with more or less success in London, Paris, Vienna, and Budapest. It is understand that the same general lines will be followed when the "newspaper" service is established here.
Manley M. Gillam, who will head the new company as president, yesterday said that the "newspaper" would try to supply its subscribers with every branch of news and as an added inducement will furnish during the evenings while the opera season is on, a vocal and instrumental musical service. Patents controlling the appliance of transmitting and receiving news, he said, are owned by Cornelius Balassa, one of the directors of the company. Mr. Balassa was identified with the bureaus which have made telephone "newspapers" a success in Budapest and Vienna.
The company was incorporated on Monday at Albany with a capital stock of $100,000. An organization meeting of the directors, Manley M. Gillam, of 110 West Thirty-fourth street; William H. Alexander, of Nos. 10-12 Old Slip, and Cornelius Balassa, of Nos. 10-12 West Twenty-second street, will be held this morning.