Electrician and Mechanic, January, 1909, page 318:

        This department is devoted to the Club members and those interested in Wireless Telegraphy.  We will publish experiences, discoveries, and suggestions, which may be helpful to all interested.

    YOUR editorial about forming local clubs in each city has interested me greatly. However, I would like to add a little more to the idea, and say, that by means of such a club possessing a few stations, a message could be relayed from one to another for a good distance. At present an owner of a small outfit that works to five miles can only send a message this distance. Now, if within his radius was another station of a similar nature, the owners could agree to relay each other's message. Regular hours could be appointed for all the stations, to avoid a break in the transmission. Each member could also be restricted to a certain number of messages, so that a fair exchange would be had. I have no doubt that with such an enterprise as this the wireless experimenters who now cannot reach far would be capable of transmitting over 30 miles by this means. It would not be practical to have units of less range than 4 miles up, as the more stations there are, the longer the message takes to travel, and more errors are likely to be encountered. The stations would also be so arranged that even were there one operator "off the job," the stations wishing to communicate could do so direct, though of course less powerful. I hope you will call attention to this letter through the columns of the ELECTRICIAN  AND  MECHANIC, so that other experimenters can express their opinion on the question.
A. L.