Monthly Consular and Trade Reports (U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor), April 1909 (No. 343), pages 206-207:
In reply to a Missouri inquiry in regard to the Budapest news-telephone system, Consul-General Paul Nash writes as follows:
This system, which has been in successful operation in the capital of Hungary for several years past, is owned and managed by a private corporation, whereas the regular telephone system is owned by the Government and administered by the ministry of posts and telegraphs. The annual subscription, $7.31, paid quarterly in advance, entitles the subscriber to two receivers and the full service of news, music, etc., the subscriber to pay the expenses of installation and removal, generally about $8.50. The service begins at 8.55 a. m., when a buzzing noise, loud enough to be heard across a large room and lasting for fifteen seconds, announces the correct time. At 9.30 the day's programme of important events is announced; that is to say, the ceremonies, lectures, plays, races, etc. At 10 and 11 o'clock stock quotations and general news items are given.
At noon comes a second announcement of the correct time, followed by parliamentary news and general items of interest. At 12.45 stock quotations from the local, Vienna, and Berlin exchanges and general news. At 2 o'clock more parliamentary and general news, and at 3 p. m. the closing prices of stocks, meteorological forecast, local personals and small items, and in winter the condition of the various skating places. At 4 p. m. court and miscellaneous news. From 4.30 to 6.30 military music from one of the great cafes or gardens. In the evening the subscriber may choose between the royal opera or one of the theaters, and later music by one of the tzigane orchestras.
This programme is sufficiently varied to satisfy the desires of all classes of subscribers, and in general the service seems to give the utmost satisfaction. Its advantages are so manifest that no comment appears necessary.