Electrical Review and Western Electrician, July 3, 1909, page 16:



    The New York Electrical Society brought its successful 1909 season to a close on the evening of Wednesday, June 16. The members met in the Sun-Parlor of the Waldorf-Astoria. The secretary's report showed that during the year the society had elected ninety-two members. There were seven deaths, twenty-five resignations, and 102 names were dropped for non-payment of dues. The year closed with a net membership of 835. The election of officers resulted as follows:
    President--Theodore Beran.
    Vice-Presidents--John Bottomley, Frederick A. Scheffler, Charles H. Hadlock.
    Secretary--George H. Guy.
    Treasurer--Henry A. Sinclair.
    After the election of officers, Cloyd Marshall gave an informal address on "The Commercial Development of Wireless Telegraphy," and the station of the United Wireless Telegraph Company on the roof of the hotel was thrown open for inspection.
    Mr. Marshall went over some of the early history of wireless telegraphy and gave a brief explanation of the characteristics of spark and arc methods of operations. He described in some detail the method of producing undamped oscillations and explained the features of this method which made it valuable in commercial operation. He recited the specification which the Federal Government had given out for its 3,000-mile wireless-telegraph station. Concerning the practical operation of wireless apparatus, he stated that the Signal Corps of the United States Army had various stations at the principal seaboard fortifications and along the Yukon River in Alaska and in the Philippine Islands. The Bureau of Equipment of the Navy Department operates stations in the navy yards and principal strategic points along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the Canal Zone, in the West Indies, along the Pacific Coast, in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Manila; fifty-six government shore stations in all. These stations are used for government service and for the relief of vessels in distress, but not for regular commercial service.
    The United Wireless Telegraph Company now maintains twenty-seven shore stations on the Atlantic seaboard, extending from the New England coast along the Gulf of Mexico and in the West Indies; twenty-six stations on the Pacific Coast from San Diego, Cal., up into Alaska, and seven on the Great Lakes.
    The Lighthouse Board maintains wireless stations on three of the lightships. The Treasury Department maintains stations on seventeen revenue cutters, the army on six of its cableships and transports, and the navy on the principal armored vessels; one hundred government marine equipments in all.
    The United Wireless Telegraph Company now operates 163 stations on shipboard. The latest list of the wireless-telegraph stations of the world, compiled by the Bureau of Equipment of the Navy Department, gives a total of 782 shore and floating stations.
    The United Wireless Telegraph Company is manufacturing, installing, leasing, and selling, said Mr. Marshall, more than one complete wireless-telegraph station each working day.
    The importance of the wireless for ship and shore communication, for Weather Bureau and Hydrographic Office service, in all branches of the military and naval service, and for commercial service, on land, were pointed out. Mr. Marshall also emphasized the opinion that the future held forth a promise that with the knowledge to be gained from aerial navigation and the study of earth and air currents, a great many of the present difficulties would be swept away and even greater strides made than was possible in the remarkable development of the last few years.