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Salt Lake City Herald-Republican, May 8, 1910, Part 2, page 28:
North American Wireless Corporation banner

North  American  Wireless  Corporation
Incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine, U. S. A.
Capitalization $10,000,000.Par value of shares $10.00 (all common).
Full paid and non-assessable.  $4,000,000 par value in treasury.
$6,000,000 par value being used to cover cost of securing control of amalgamating companies, patents, apparatus, etc.
Executive Office, No. 1 Madison Avenue, New York City.
Laboratory, Terminal Building, New York.   Factory, Newark, N. J.
Operating Commercial Radio (wireless) telephone, sparkless (overland) wireless telegraph and all forms of wireless transmission.
            The plans of North American Wireless Corporation include the amalgamation of nearly a dozen important wireless companies, among the more prominent being:
The Radio Telephone Co. North American Radio Co.
Commercial Radio Co. DeForest Radio Telephone Co.
General Radio Co. Universal Wireless Corporation
Atlantic Radio Co. Great Lakes Radio Telephone Co.
Pacific Radio Co. Continental Wireless Construction Co.
DeForest Statement
    I feel certain that within a short time we will be able to be in wireless communication between our station on top of the Metropolitan Tower in New York and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
    I may say that the possibilities of the Radio telephone are almost limitless, and I confidently predict that within the next five years every ship of large tonnage that goes to sea will be equipped with the wireless telephone, and will be in telephonic communication in every part of the civilized world.
    Already sounds have been carried by means of ether waves to a distance of 600 miles, the demonstration being made from Paris to a station near Marseilles during May, 1908.
    Eight years ago messages could be sent by wireless telegraph over a distance of only 50 miles, and now even by the old-fashioned spark system, wireless telegraphic communications are daily held across the Atlantic. Wireless telephony is still in its infancy, but a strenuous infant it is. The end cannot be predicted, for each day yields its quota of definite information which clearly points to the almost infinite possibilities of Radio Wireless Telephone. To show how these improvements tend unmistakably toward transatlantic wireless conversation in the near future, I will call attention to the following facts:
    Our apparatus was installed on vessels of the Italian fleet, and a few months later, in September, 1908, was installed on the Channel fleet of the British Navy. We easily covered a distance of sixty miles. Since that time it has been operated successfully between shore stations of the Admiralty and vessels of the fleet. One specially hard test was made, which recorded the transmission of 154 code numbers (some in six and seven figures) at sixty miles, with only two mistakes. This is a feat which can not be excelled by wire phone at that distance. Today the device has been greatly simplified.
    Probably the most marvelous of all devices which together composed the successful radio telephone of to-day, is a specially sensitive receiver which I invented, and is called the audion.
    I have also succeeded in combining wireless telegraph and telephone in one instrument, which system is known now as the sparkless wireless system.
    I became convinced that further progress along the old lines of wireless communication was a hopeless dream. The possibility of interference with messages was too great. The speed by which a spark transmitter can be operated cannot exceed 40 words a minute. I expect to attain a speed of 40,000 words an hour.
    The long-distance wireless telephone is already a proven fact, and I thoroughly believe that but a few short years will elapse before we will be in actual vocal accord, not only with Paris, but with every other capital of the nations of the Old World.
DeForest signature
        By ownership stock control, licenses, contracts, etc., the North American Wireless Corporation will operate under the following patents in the United States and Canada:

730,247,  748,597,  749,434,  749,372,  749,436,  750,180,  758,517,
772,879,  802,850,  771,819,  837,901,  836,070,  836,071,  841,386,
841,387,  822,034,  823,402,  836,015,  836,072,  827,524,  824,637,
824,638,  822,936,  824,003,  841,886,  850,917,  852,381,  867,876,
867,877,  867,878,  876,166,  877,069,  879,532,  894,317,  894,318,
894,378,  913,718,  926,933,  926,934,  926,935,  926,936,  926,937,
943,969,  803,199,  893,513,  768,004,  767,990,  767,993,  767,989,
767,984,  767,979,  714,756,  714,831,  714,882,  737,170,  767,983,
  12,149,    12,151,    12,152,  749,434,  771,820,  772,878,  926,934,
716,203,  716,334,  720,568,  730,246,  780,819,  749,131,  749,178,
749,371,  749,435,  750,181,  756,219,  759,216,  770,228,  770,229,
771,818,  771,820,  772,878,  802,981,  806,966,  827,523.

        In addition to the foregoing, fifty-four (54) pending applications are now in the course of prosecution.

capital T
HE  NORTH  AMERICAN Wireless Corporation was organized for the purpose of unifying and standardizing the sending and receiving of commercial messages, especially embodied in the Radio (wireless) telephone and Sparkless (overland) wireless telegraph in the United States, Canada, Newfoundland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, India, Cape Colony, New Zealand, Australia, and other parts of the civilized world, and upon the waters within and adjacent thereto.
    The company proposes to develop and utilize in a commercial manner throughout the world the generation and receiving of electrical impulses for the transmission and reproduction of sound signals, audible air vibrations and other intercommunications of the human intelligence, including handwriting, pictures, diagrams, and other forms of recorded messages.
    It is planned to eventually include in the corporations activities a commercial transcontinental, transatlantic and transpacific service.
    Prior to the organization of this company a most careful and systematic investigation was made by some of the leading patent attorneys and wireless experts of both America and Europe. The opinion given by these most competent men was that the patents under which this company will operate are basic, and cover, in the broadest sense, every possible means of transmitting intelligence without the use of wires by means of speech or any form of undampened electrical waves, thereby securing to this system a reasonable control of the entire wireless field


    Wireless transmission recognizing no limiting distance and no national boundaries, it is essential to commercial perfection that the world-wide system be under one head and management. It is self-evident that this centralization of direction and operation must result in more efficient and economical service, and an immense saving of both expense and effort to both the public and the company in control. It will do away with numerous tolls, traffic contracts, delays, mistakes and other hindrances that are impossible to escape when several individual companies are handling the same business in the transmission from one point to another. It is true conservation of energy at every point and in every detail. This applies also to the instruments that will be placed in commercial use, which will be of a standard type with interchangeable parts, resulting in quick repairs or substitution when necessary, and saving a large amount in the cost of manufacture and maintenance. Still further by a combination of the efforts of the inventors and scientists who will be employed by the North American Wireless Corporation in the development of apparatus and methods to their highest degree of efficiency, there will be gained a harmony of endeavor and much saving in the duplication of costly tests and expensive experimental apparatus


    We are now entering what the historians of the future will term "The Wireless Age."
    It is a recognized and demonstrated fact that whatever can be sent by wires now can be sent with out wires.
    Wireless is today practical, and it but remains for its universal installation to become as necessary, and even more popular and profitable than the wire systems of to-day.


    One of the important inventions under which the North American Wireless Corporation will operate is the new undampened wave type of telegraph apparatus, to be used supplementary to and in conjunction with the radio telephone.
    Until the advent of the sparkless or overland wireless telegraph, the wireless business has been confined chiefly to sending communications from ship to shore or from ship to ship. With the perfection of the sparkless wireless telegraph a general inland and coast telegraph business became feasible at rates that should place the service within the reach of all. Close tuning to almost infinite variations is made practicable. The dangers present when the old style spark gap apparatus is used are eliminated. The size and cost of the equipment is reduced and the various other objectionable features of the old system, including noise and ease of interference, are done away with, while the speed obtainable is very high, probably exceeding 600 words a minute for press reports, etc., in the opinion of experts


    Wireless Telephony is the art of changing air vibrations into vibrations of ether whose lesser resistance enables them to be carried to great distances. In the wireless telephone the air waves are translated into vibrations of an electrical disturbance which oscillates the ether. As in the wire telegraph, the wire telephone and many other successful inventions, the public may not know how it works--but only that it does work.


    "RADIO," which is the official name given to wireless methods of transmission by the Berlin Conference of Engineers, will be the official Trade Mark of the system under which this company will operate and advertise.
    It was under this name that the award of the Gold Medal was given by the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, at Seattle, in 1909.


    Radio always has been given widespread publicity in both the technical and daily press and the supremacy of the commercial Radio system in this country and abroad must be conceded.
    Practically every step of substantial development in wireless telegraphy in America has been accomplished by the distinguished engineers who have contributed to the Radio system. With hardly a single exception every American vessel on the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf, and Great Lakes' waters which is equipped with wireless, carries apparatus designed by one or more of the inventors of the Radio system.


    The many features of superiority of wireless methods of transmission over the present wire systems are self-evident. With the wireless telephone no vast expenditures are required for franchises, as it operates directly through the air. There will be no conduits to lay, poles to erect, nor wire systems to install. It will give the public an instantaneous method of communication. The service will be cheap to install and maintain. The stations of the present wire systems are confined to stationary objects, but wireless telephones can be installed on moving objects, such as trains, boats, automobiles, etc.


    The North American Wireless Corporation proposes to go into the actual commercial wireless field and not to spent its time or money in trying out theories or experiments. It would be difficult to name a single profession or industry in which the wireless telephone of the future will not play an important part. It is adapted to practically all known forms of business. Without entering into competition with the established wire systems, the commercial radio telephone has a distinctive field of operation which will afford broad extension and usage. It will be a valuabe adjunct for transportation companies, to keep in touch with their various craft. Railroads will need it in connection with running their trains, and for the use of their passengers. Mine owners and isolated enterprises need it because it may afford uninterrupted service under all conditions. It will be invaluable for interisland transmission of intelligence, and in sparsely settled districts of the country, where a wire system would be impracticable or too costly to install and maintain. Grand opera, church music, lectures and daily news service also can be furnished and distributed to thousands of homes widely scattered. The average business man will need it to bring him in immediate communication with the entire field of commercial activity and at a reduced cost. Its field of operation is practically unlimited, as all the world needs it and this world-wide demand insures its rapid development and commercial extension,


    It is expected, as has been the case in the development of all new discoveries, that the public will be the first to understand and appreciate the vast profits which may be earned through the development of wireless under competent, honest, business management. Therefore, the stock is offered for public subscription with the assurance that each purchaser will have the fullest possible protection in a correct division of profits in proportion to his holdings.
    The small capitalization of the company, the wide territory which it will operate, its ample patent protection, the assurance of economical management and the willingness of the public to pay a high price where communication is difficult, or does not now exist, should insure quick and satisfactory returns on an investment.
    A limited amount of stock (par value $10.00) will be offered for general subscription at $6.00 per share for cash, or $7.20 per share on the time payment basis of 20% down and 20% each month until the balance is paid. This is the first public offering of stock in this corporation. It you are interested, call, telephone or write to the address below and full particulars will be given gladly.


    It is needless to say that a volume might be written comparing the enormous earning power of the wireless telephone and wireless telegraph with other new discoveries and developments.
    This announcement gives sufficient knowledge to investors, in regard to the field and immense probable earnings, for them to draw their own conclusions.
    This is an opportunity to secure an interest in an industry which is in its infancy and which gives every indication of duplicating the enormous earning power of many of our great TIME  AND  LABOR-SAVING  DEVICES, which at the same stage of development offered far less prospect of success.
Radio towers


    We have openings for district managers and salesmen to handle the securities of this corporation. We want representatives in every city and town in this section. The system has been indorsed by the leading scientific papers of the continent and Dr. Lee DeForest, the inventor, is known from ocean to ocean. Demonstrating instruments will be furnished together with a complete outfit of photographs and advertising literature. It is a proposition that will stand inspection from top to bottom, and those who act as local managers will be familiarizing themselves with a corporation which will have many openings of an executive nature in the conduct of its commercial business. Liberal contracts, together with exclusive territory and the cooperation of an active selling management will be given to men of ability and integrity. If you are big enough to look ahead a few years, become identified with this corporation. It gives indications of being one of the most successful and popular public utility corporations of the present decade.
    Follow the arrow. Communicate with the address below at once.
National Map
IND.  PHONE  2216