New York Times, September 9, 1910, page 3:


Device  Shown  Here  Realizes  Edward  Bellamy's  Prophecy.

    The first demonstration of the United States Telephone Herald, which is to be a combined news, lecture, and musical telephone service, was given in the rooms of the company at 110 West Thirty-fourth Street last night. The scheme is promoted by M. M. Gillam.
    A large audience listened to instrumental and vocal music, bulletins of news, and a brief lecture, all by telephone. The arrangement for the demonstration included a large room, around the walls of which were hung double telephone receivers. The audience sat in chairs, held the receivers to their ears, and heard the music and speaking.
    The instrument is a Hungarian invention, and, the promoter says, has been in use in Budapest for ten years. In that city, according to Mr. Gillam, there are 80,000 subscribers to the service, who receive, at stated hours in the day, news bulletins of all sorts, concerts, and repetitions of operas, and, on certain days, lectures. It is the plan of the company to establish a like service in New York and other cities.
    According to Mr. Gillam several theatres have agreed to have a receiving apparatus placed on the stage, so that subscribers may hear musical comedy or vaudeville, or whatever the programme for the evening may be, without having to leave their homes.