Telephony, August 10, 1912, pages 190, 192:

An  Interesting  By-Product  for  Telephone  Companies.
    Since the last national telephone convention, where it was first exhibited, considerable interest has been manifested in the Multa Musola. Some of the claims made by the manufacturers of the device are as follows: It is practically the leading by-product of present day telephone service and offers magnificent possibilities for increasing telephone income. The object of the Multa Musola service is to distribute music by telephone wires from an instrument at the central office, so it can be easily heard in any part of a room without having to listen carefully. This does not interfere with the regular telephone service in any way. The music is reproduced with great volume and distinct tones at all delivery points, regardless of distance, this being pronounced the only known method of adequately distributing sound so as to cover a large space or spaces simultaneously without use of any head receiver or like device. Multa Musola configuration
    A simplified diagram of the Multa Musola system is given in the illustration. From the master transmitter, the sound is transmitted to the various amplifiers, the maximum number of amplifiers for one master transmitter being one hundred. The purpose of the amplifier is to multiply the number of reproducers that can be handled from one central station. From the amplifiers, wires lead to the subscribers' lines on the regular telephone circuits and thence to the reproducer at the subscriber's station. The minimum number of stations served by each amplifier is 5 or less; the maximum, 8; or a total of from 500 to 800 from one master transmitter.
    The apparatus is remarkably simple and efficient, but it required exceptional skill, and patience to develop and perfect. The operating and maintenance costs are very low, and it is adapted to manual or automatic systems. Even those who are familiar with the present high standard of phonographic music are amazed when they hear the Multa Musola. It eliminates practically all of the metallic and rasping sounds which are common to "mechanical music" and gives to the subscriber remarkably clear, sweet and natural sounds. It gives him and his family high-class entertainment without moving from his home, without the expense of a phonograph or records, and for a trivial additional rental on behalf of the telephone company. It is not necessary to listen closely and carefully at the receiver, for the music from the Multa Musola fills the room. It can be turned on or off at will, simply by the pressing of a lever.
    This remarkable system is also well suited for motion picture theaters, halls, skating rinks, hospitals, etc., as it affords an extensive variety of the latest and best in musical entertainment. It can also be used for vocal bulletining of the latest news, base ball scores, etc., this auxiliary service being furnished from the exchange in like manner by a stentor and special voice transmitter. Special sporting service can thus be easily arranged for saloons, cigar stores, clubs, pool rooms, etc., at a good profit to telephone companies.
    Installations of the Multa Musola may also be made independent of the telephone lines. Schools and factories present the leading examples of such cases. In several Chicago schools the children march in and out to Multa Musola music and listen with pleasure to the delightful strains of music by some celebrated band or singer. This service is given throughout the building, regardless of size. Factory installations have proven a great success, as they add perceptibly to the efficiency and economy of production.
    Instructions can be readily made known in any part of the factory by transmission by the Multa Musola and Automatic Enunciator systems. The factory manager can be in all parts at an instant's notice by giving orders through this system. Workers will produce more, there will be more harmony among the employes when the monotony of the day's work is relieved by well chosen selections delivered from the Multa Musola to the various workshops. Up-to-date employers are realizing that such interest in their workers' welfare is bound to pay big profits in increased efficiency and for this reason Multa Musola--and automatic--enunciator installations may be readily made in the leading factories by the telephone company.
    As Multa Musola service is sent over the regular telephone wires, it does not involve the purchase of expensive equipment or additional maintenance costs of any importance. On the other hand it can readily be seen that it is almost universal in its attractive appeal and should add materially to the income of the telephone company as well as to "the sum of human happiness." It has even been claimed, and authentic proof offered in substantiation, that Multa Musola revenue will exceed that of the regular telephone service in many exchanges where rates are low. As the Multa Musola device is sold to but one telephone company in each town, it can be made quite a force for soliciting business in towns where there is competition.
    Its manufacturer, The Automatic Enunciator Co., Chicago, has been ultra-conservative in the introduction of the Multa Musola as it insisted that everything be absolutely right before the apparatus was placed on the market. The demand can now be supplied by apparatus that has all of the ear-marks of an old, established proposition. It is believed that telephone men generally will avail themselves of this opportunity of increasing their revenue through a by-product which their subscribers will appreciate and be glad to adopt.
    The Automatic Enunciator Co. is well known for its work in loud speaking and long distance transmission. Its automatic enunciator is a practical, simple, loud speaking telephone, consisting of the following parts: The transmitter, the reproducer, through which the sound is reproduced in a magnified volume; and the amplifier, which is used when a very large number of reproducers are to be energized by one transmitter, or when the sound is to be transmitted an extremely long distance.
    This device evidently has many wide fields which can be profitable exploited by telephone companies. Some of the uses to which the automatic enunciator can be placed to advantage are: In railroad stations for announcing trains in the lunch rooms, waiting rooms, smoking rooms, barber shops, etc., there being no added expense, confusion or annoyance; on railroad trains and street cars for making clear and loud station and street calls; for train dispatching, the orders transmitted by the automatic enunciator being clearly heard in any part of a room without the use of a head receiver. In short, the apparatus bids fair to become immensely popular throughout the railroad field as it offers wonderful possibilities for long distance work, improvement of service and reduction of expenses.
    In hotels the automatic enunciators may be used to page guests in any part of the house, it being already successfully employed for that purpose. In convention halls, schools, etc., speeches may be delivered to any room or rooms so that all may hear.
    In long distance telephone work, the automatic enunciator has been tested over circuits approximating the lines between Chicago and New York, with results which were startling in accuracy and strength. Automatic enunciator and Multa Musola equipments are installed under a rigid guarantee by the manufacturer that they will do all that is claimed for them.