506 Royal Building, Seventh and Morrison
Hotel Multnomah, Mezzanine Floor
Meier & Frank's, Second and Seventh Flrs.
10:30 to 1:00--Review of day's news and piano music.
1:05--Piano music from Remick's Song Shop.
1:15--Soprano solo by Mrs. J. Burns Albert, soloist from First Presbyterian Church.
1:20--Piano solo, monologue and announcements.
1:30--Contralto solo by Miss Dorothy Lewis, soloist Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church.
1:35--Stentor monologue.
1:45--Soprano solo by Mrs. J. Burns Albert.
1:50--Piano music from Remick's Song Shop.
2:00--Contralto solo by Miss Dorothy Lewis.
2:05--Remick specialty, music from Song Shop.
2:15--Orchestra, piano, two violins and cello, from Webber's String Orchestra.
We are only dem- onstrating now. Our commercial service will run steady from 8. A. | M. to 12 P M. | ALL FOR | 5 CENTS A DAY
2:20--Stentor talks and baritone solo.
2:30--Soprano solo by Mrs. J. Burns Albert.
2:40--Orchestral music.
2:45--Baritone solo by Mr. Frank Brazeau.
2:50--Orchestral music.
3:00--Duet, soprano and contralto, Mrs. J. Burns Albert and Miss Dorothy Davis.
3:15--Orchestral music.
3:20--Solo, string.
3:30--Soprano solo by Mrs. J. Burns Albert.
3:40--Cello solo, accompanied by orchestra.
3:45--Baritone solo.
3:50--Orchestral music.
3:55--Contralto solo by Miss Dorothy Lewis.
4:00--Piano, Remick's Song Shop.
4:00 to 5:00--Baseball score, interspersed with Remick music and news.
6:00--Final baseball scores in P. C. L. and N. W. L.
6:15--Standing of American and National Leagues teams with scores; also sporting news.
6:30--Local news taken from the Telegram, Journal and News.
6:45--News notes and baseball scores.
7:00--Piano--Remick's Song Shop.
7:10--Short talk on Telephone Herald, also announcement of evening programme.
7:15--Jokes, short stories and Telephone Herald News Items.
7:30--Remick's music and story time for ladles and children.
8:00--Piano overture.
8:05--Soprano solo by Miss Fies, soloist Sunnyside Congregational Church.
In the Home.
In the Office.
In any Room.
In Every Room.
Always on Tap.
Come and Listen.
Get a Booklet.
8:10--Short Telephone Herald Talk.
8:15--Contralto solo by Miss Dorothy Lewis, soloist Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church.
8:20--Monologue by Stanley Connell.
8:25--Soprano Solo by Miss Fies.
8:30--Ragtime song by Stanley Connell.
8:35--Piano specialty, Remick's Song Shop.
8:40--Contralto by Miss Dorothy Lewis.
8:45--Telephone Herald Talk and programme.
8:50--Monologue by Stanley Connell.
8:55--Piano from Remick's Song Shop.
9:00--Soprano by Miss Agnes Fies.
9:10--Ragtime song by Stanley Connell.
9:15--Remick's Song Shop music.
9:20--Telephone Herald Talk.
9:25--Contralto solo by Dorothy Lewis.
9:35--Monologue by Stanley Connell.
9:40--Ragtime song by Stanley Connell.
9:45--Remick's Song Shop piano music
9:50--Telephone Herald talk and finish with good night. |
(Special features and changes from time to time.) |
At 7:45 P. M. Friday, May 17th, Lavina Helen Baker will lecture for 15 minutes. Subject: "The Social Question."
Send for descriptive booklet. |
Royal Building, Seventh and Morrison Streets, City. |