When in South Africa, some years ago, I purchased some shares in the Collins Wireless Telegraph Company, which I was afterward induced to exchange for shares in the Continental Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Company. Having been unable to learn anything about these companies on reaching America, I am writing to ask if you can supply me with any information concerning them.
J. R., Chicago, Ill.
A year or two ago this section of the country was flooded with salesmen selling stock of the Clark Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Company. I bought some of the stock, and I have written many letters about it to the company, but I can get no reply. Is this company still in existence?
C. N., La Grande, Oregon.
I wish to inquire about the North American Wireless Corporation, which includes nearly a dozen wireless telephone and telegraph companies. I was an original stockholder in the Radio Telephone Company, the Great Lakes Radio Company, and the Atlantic Radio Company. I am very anxious to learn something about the enterprise and about my investment, of which I have heard nothing for nearly two years.
Miss K. W., Cleveland, Ohio.
Can you give me any information regarding the Continental Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Company, of which I own fifty shares? I have received no reply to my letters addressed to them. Is the company defunct?The Continental Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Company is as dead as Julius Caesar. Not only is the concern defunct, but those chiefly concerned in the swindle, Cameron Spear and Frederick Collins, the supposed inventor, are in the Federal prison at Atlanta, Georgia, serving sentences of five and three years respectively for fraudulent use of the mails in selling the stock.
W. C. H., Pittsburgh, Pa.