Electrical World, May 9, 1914, page 1057:
For a Chain of Amateur Wireless Stations
To the Editors of the Electrical World:
SIRS:--The Radio Club of Hartford, Conn., has been at work for some time on plans to organize one or two good amateur wireless stations every 30 to 50 miles throughout as much of the country as seems practicable. The object is to make it possible to relay messages between distant points.
The plan has already reached a point where messages are being relayed from Hartford to Buffalo, N. Y., via Northampton, Mass., and Westfield, N. J. In a short time we expect to get through to Chicago by this relay system. All we need is to get in touch with those amateurs who have stations which will transmit at least 30 miles and who keep their station in continuous working order.
As a means of getting the names and addresses of amateurs who have stations able to transmit messages 30 miles, such amateurs are asked to write to Mr. Clarence D. Tuska, secretary Radio Club of Hartford, 136 Oakland Terrace, Hartford, Conn., who will forward blank forms which when filled out will be used as a basis for appointing official relay stations of the American Amateur Radio League, the name of the organization as already started.
The writer is taking an especial interest in this work and it has his hearty support, especially as it seems to be the only plan by which the amateur can reach distant points without getting into difficulties with the United States government. It may be that we have in this idea a great organization in the making.
Hartford, Conn. | HIRAM PERCY MAXIM. |