The Electrical Experimenter, May, 1915, page 28:
Reports from a number of readers located in the western part of the United States, including the Philippines, indicate that close restrictions are being enforced by Government radio authorities in charge, regarding the operation of amateur wireless stations. As the majority of these stations, or at least those possessing sufficient power to cause any trouble, are all registered under the radio law now in effect, it does not seem fair to shut down every amateur radio station indiscriminately.
The radio amateur is entitled to as much attention as anyone else, and besides he is sworn to an oath of secrecy if he possesses a Government radio license.
We give below a letter from Mr. Walter Maynes, of San Francisco, which explains what we are driving at in part:
"In the Sixth Radio District, which embraces California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii, the radio amateurs have been refused permission to either send or receive ever since the war in Europe began. Rear Admiral Pond, of the Twelfth United States Naval Inspection Department, placed the ban on the wireless amateurs, much to their regret. The Sunset Radio Association, San Francisco, of which Walter Maynes, a licensed operator, is president, has taken the matter up, and is circulating petitions throughout the entire Sixth district for signatures of amateur, operators, the intention being to present these petitions to Admiral Pond and induce him to lift the ban.
"The amateurs pledge themselves to a strict observance of the nation's neutrality, and hope to be placed on their honor, in the matter of sending and receiving. All operators in this district are eagerly availing themselves the opportunity to sign the petitions and thus boost the good work. These petitions may be secured by addressing either Walter Maynes, president, 207 Hugo street, San Francisco; Carroll Reed, secretary, 1683 Seventh avenue, San Francisco, or Howard Lee, 1580 Grove street, San Francisco."