QST, August, 1916, page 234:
The public demonstration of the Marconi Wireless Telephone took place Monday evening, June 12th, when the experimental station at Aldine, N. J. talked to David Sarnoff on the steamship Bunkerhill which was taking the members of the New York Technology Club to Boston to attend the dedication of the new buildings of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Conversation was begun at eight o'clock and lasted until ten when the steamer was sixty miles up Long Island Sound. The Bunkerhill was not equipped with a wireless telephone so the results of the demonstration were announced by radio telegraphy. The clearness of the signals amazed the listeners on board the Bunkerhill and among those who heard the test were, Mr. Sarnoff, Orville Wright, A. R. Hawley, Rear Admiral Capps and Alexander Graham Bell. After the conversation had been carried on for a time, Mr. Weagant played a phonograph and the strains of "The Star Spangled Banner" greeted the listeners. Then came the "Marseillaise" and in response to an encore, Mr. Weagant played "Tipperary.” The test was a complete success.