Our many radio amateur friends will undoubtedly be glad to learn that Mr. W. H. Kirwan has promised to write one article each month for a period of twelve months, for THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER.
W. H. Kirwan, Master of Relays for the RADIO LEAGUE OF AMERICA and known to the amateur world as 9XE, was born in Baltimore, MD., February 5, 1881, Graduated in Steam and Electrical Engineering in 1897, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Six years in the U.S.N. fitted him for life's more serious work. Six years' study of law prepared him for the bar, but he took up Engineering instead. Was Assisting Erecting Engineer at the Panama Canal for the Emergency Dam machines, and has been in every civilized country on the globe that has a seaport. He has been a student of Wireless Laws since Marconi first flashed his signal cross the Atlantic, and he has grown up with the new art. He is the author of the National Relays and the Q.R.M. League of the U.S. He is at present Superintendent of Construction for the Otis Elevator Co., in the States of Iowa and Illinois.