We present herewith a photograph of a large silver trophy which will be given to the best Radio Amateur Station. It stands 21" high and 13" across, and will be suitably engraved.
It is to be presented to the best equipt and most efficient amateur station in the United States, after the end of the working season. A committee will be appointed from the various clubs thruout the country, to decide who is entitled to it and to hold it until next year, when someone else may be awarded it. Holding it two years in succession will mean that it belongs to the station holding it. This is Mr. Kirwan's timely idea to have the amateurs perfect their outfits and numerous points will be taken into consideration when awarding it, as those amateurs who continually "QRM" will not be considered.
Mr. Kirwan has gone to some little expense in this matter and trusts that he will have the cooperation of all loyal Radio-bugs. The awarding of this prize will undoubtedly cause considerable interest in Bugdom.