The "certain magazine in the East" referred to in this article was the American Radio Relay League's publication, QST.
The Electrical Experimenter, April, 1917, page 888:
RLA logo
The  Washington's  Birthday  Relay,  and  the  Q. R. M.  League  of  America 
By  W.  H.  KIRWAN,  (9XE)
Master  Radio  Relays,  Radio  League  of  America
ALL of you have probably read in this magazine about the Washington's Birthday Relay. The amount of work in connection with one of these Relays is practically unknown to most of you, but the results of them are most gratifying as it interests new talent thruout the country and, moreover, tends to bring to the public notice the real worth of the wireless amateurs in the United States.
    A certain magazine in the East, which surely cannot have the real interests of the amateurs at heart claims that there is danger signal up and that if you did not join its crowd, all of our licenses would be taken away. When things get so bad in the wireless world that a few struggling nonentities can convince intelligent Americans that there is any danger of our licenses being taken away from us, then we all should lose them, as we will not have enough spunk to operate anything.
    We present herewith a photograph of a large silver trophy which will be given to the best Radio Amateur Station. It stands 21" high and 13" across, and will be suitably engraved.
    It is to be presented to the best equipt and most efficient amateur station in the United States, after the end of the working season. A committee will be appointed from the various clubs thruout the country, to decide who is entitled to it and to hold it until next year, when someone else may be awarded it. Holding it two years in succession will mean that it belongs to the station holding it. This is Mr. Kirwan's timely idea to have the amateurs perfect their outfits and numerous points will be taken into consideration when awarding it, as those amateurs who continually "QRM" will not be considered.
    Mr. Kirwan has gone to some little expense in this matter and trusts that he will have the cooperation of all loyal Radio-bugs. The awarding of this prize will undoubtedly cause considerable interest in Bugdom.

    There is no danger signal up and there is plenty of room in this country for more than just one select crowd of "air hogs," who are nothing more or less than a specimen of the "end seat hog," and we know enough about them to know that most of them are vacuums and need not cause us any worry outside of an extra effort occasionally to push them out of the way. We are organizing a Q. R. M. League of the United States and every state will have a captain, three lieutenants, nine sergeants and a number of willing helpers to act as privates. Now, let's get together and form a real army of workers and see if we cannot, by getting the opinion from all the different states, agree upon a working basis for all stations with justice to all. This we know is necessary and you need have no fear of the calamity howlers who claim that the minute you look cross-eyed you are going to lose your license. Use your head and put these pests on the shelf, where they really belong. Watch this magazine closely, as all of the states, as soon as organized, will have the names of their various representatives printed in this magazine, and we have the support of some of the best thinkers in the country to help us.
    This magazine has done more for the amateurs than all the rest put together, as it originally championed our cause and has been working incessantly ever since. It has championed the Q. R. M. League and we know that it will put this across the plate with the same determined effort as marked its other activities in our behalf.
    The slogan is "JOIN THE Q. R. M. LEAGUE NOW." A great many of the states are already organized, and we have some very willing workers in every portion of the country.
    The Washington's Birthday Relay was handled by men and their stations who are cooperating in the formation of this League and you can readily see from the names publisht in this magazine that you will be honored in joining with some of the most progressive amateurs in the country. There is lots of work being done, of which we hear little, and our brothers on the Pacific Coast are having the time of their lives with Q. R. M.*, but, thru it all, have done some remarkable work.
    Now, just for a little gossip of the stations around 'Frisco and from whom the writer heard too late to publish in the last story to this magazine. Gilbert of Pomona, Cal., and our friend, Winser of Bakersfield, have installed a large power station 100 miles from home, but were on the job for the relay. Bunting of Centerville burned out his transformer and had as substitutes in the relay--6FT and 6BY. He participated in breaking QRM however.
    Word has been received from Emerson, 5DU, in Dallas, Texas, that he has worked Higgy of Phoenix, Ariz., 6DM, and both are making tests early every Friday morning. L. S. Hoyt, 6SI, of Hayward, Cal., reports hearing 5DU regularly. Turner, 6ABR, of Los Angeles, states he has actually worked with 9ZF in Denver, Colo. This is in keeping with the best work that has been done in the Central or Eastern parts of the United States. It is too bad we did not hear from these stations before lining up the schedule.
    We call all of your attention to 6DM, of Phoenix, who works regularly 6BY, 6FT, 6WZ, who are in the neighborhood of 700 miles from him. 6AAG, 6SR, 6EA, 6RG, and 6ABR are about 350 miles and, of course, 6DM has no trouble in working them.
    The following stations are practically close and have no trouble whatever in working thru Q R. M. at any time. 6EA, 6ABR, 6AAG, 6ZW, 6NL, 6AY and 6RG are close enough to work each other at all times, but have no trouble in working any of the following stations, which are at least 200 miles from them, as follows:
    6BY, 6HO, 6TR, 6SI, 6IB, 6AU, 6SH, 6SX, 6AHN, 6WZ, 6BJ, 6FT, 6AGW and JS.
    This Western coast is surely the country of magnificent distances.
    Another part of the United States that few of you are acquainted with is Colorado, which has one of the largest and best equipt radio stations in the Colorado Wireless Association at the Y.M.C.A. Building in Denver. Mr. W. H. Smith, the chief operator, received the first commercial message across the Rocky Mountains from old KPJ, San Pedro, and delivered it in Denver. A letter from the Marconi operator on the steamship Columbian, while en route to Chile, says: "Your signals were easily read for three nights while making tests with your stations. The last night out this steamship was over 1,800 miles from Denver. They were not lacking in enthusiasm, however, as the sinking of the ill-fated Republic in January, 1909, and the famous wireless rescue of over 1,500 persons, served to awaken the Denver amateurs to the possibilities of the new art.
    You will see in this magazine shortly the results of the Relay, elsewhere we show a picture of the large silver trophy which the author will donate to the most efficient and best equipt wireless amateur station in the United States. This does not mean that your apparatus must be high grade, but it does mean that it must be efficient, properly arranged, and that your station is popular because it is not black-listed on account of continually causing Q R. M.
*For the benefit of our lay readers: Q. R. M. is the abbreviation term accepted by the International Radiotelegraphic Convention for interference. If one operator asks Q. R. M.? of another it means "Are you interfered with?"