The Wireless Age, May, 1918, page 625:

Negroes  for  Army  Signalmen

PLANS are under way for the forming of colored classes in wireless telegraphy to meet the demand being made on wireless operators by the War Department. To be eligible for admission the applicant must be registered under the draft act, but he cannot be enrolled if he has been called by his local board.
    Through the activity of Emmett J. Scott, special assistant to Secretary Baker, the War Department realizing the expediency of the plan has authorized Adjutant-General H. P. McCain to issue orders for the organization of wireless telegraphy classes of colored registrants in Richmond, Virginia.
    The orders issued by the Adjutant-General read as follows:
    "The Federal Board of Vocational Education, which is handling the training of draft registrants as operators at Armstrong for the signal corps, has been notified that it is the desire of the chief signal officer to have a class started under the supervision of the Federal Board, for High School, Richmond, with the view of furnishing operators for the Three Hundred and Twenty-fifth Field Signal Battalion (colored)."