New York Evening Telegram, May 20, 1920, page 4:

To  Send  Dance  Music  from  City  to  Suburbs  by  Radio
Diulio Sherbo

Diulio  Sherbo,  Orchestra  Leader,  Plans  Unique  Service  for  Summer  Parties.


Got  Idea  for  Strange  Service  from  Boys  Studying  Mysteries  of  Science.

    Time was when Sister Susie could with gusto play selections suitable for the dancing of the Virginia reel and like un-jazzy, un-shimmying versions of the light fantastic. Time also was when a loaf of bread cost what a lump of sugar does today, but both times are now in the dim, distant past.
    Today only the syncopated and sophisticated kind of music for dancing will go, and Diulio Sherbo, a veteran leader and organizer of dance orchestras, is quite aware of the fact. He realizes that whether you're in New York itself or up along the shore or in the country, regular dance music by a regular orchestra is what is needed to make the feet go 'round.
    Radio dinner dance music by wireless telephone is what he proposes to offer, therefore, to whoever wish to become patrons. He intends to erect a wireless station on the top of the highest office building available in the downtown business section, and from it supply summer house parties with music for all occasions.
Distance  No  Drawback.
    An erstwhile popular song told of the sorrows of living "forty-five minutes from Broadway, with not a café in the town." After Mr. Sherbo gets his radio dance system in good working order forty-five minutes from Broadway will be a mere bagatelle. Dancing can go merrily on just the same.
    "I intend to have an exclusive list of subscribers for the season." said Mr. Sherbo, when seen at his offices. No. 264 West Forty-fourth street. "I will protect them with confidential advance notices to permit formal invitations, and not to more than one hostess in a section.
    "I expect to furnish music for informal dancing, as well as for special occasions. If the young people decide to have a regular little dance directly after breakfast, my orchestra will be on hand ready to serve them by radio. A telegram or a long distance telephone call is all that will be necessary to let me know, as my orchestra will be in waiting. My radio will permit service to practically all of the Eastern resorts and country houses."
    Boy wireless friends suggested the idea of radio dance music to Mr. Sherbo, he says. He learned that they have persuaded a big commercial company, which has been lecturing to them nightly by wireless on scientific subjects, also to furnish a short dance programme now and then.
Music  Hall on  Roof.
    A regular music hall of small proportions will be erected by Mr. Sherbo on the top of the building on which he houses his fifty-piece orchestra that is to transmit music by wireless.
    Mr. Sherbo has been known in this country as an organizer of orchestras since 1901, when he came to the United States. At the present time his American band is playing for Maurice and Leonora Hughes at the Piccadilly hotel in London, while another one of his orchestras is playing at the Café de Paris, in Paris.
    Mr. Sherbo's father was a well known Italian painter and professor of Belle Arti at the University of Naples. Several of his pictures now hang in the royal palace in Rome. On his death, his son received a letter of sympathy from the late King Humbert of Italy.