Detroit News, September 5, 1920, page 4:

First  Dance  by  Wireless  Gets  Music  From  News
DANCING to music carried by wireless telephone is a fact.
    While The News Radiophone Friday night was giving a concert, a group of boys and girls gathered at 180 Parker avenue and danced to "The Naughty Waltz," and "Isle of the Golden Dreams," as sent through space from a little room just off The News editorial department.
    "We used a double amplifier with a phonograph horn attached to the receiver," said M. C. Martlett, 236 Burnes avenue, one of the owners of the apparatus.
    "C. F. Hammond, Jr., was operating the set. We had some of our girl friends up to hear the concert and the news bulletins, and when the strains of 'The Naughty Waltz' came in we started to dance. It was great fun.
    "The girls liked Harry Lauder's 'I Love to Be a Sailor' the best."
    Philip Kling, 71 Forest avenue east, was there also. "We heard the music very distinctly," he said.
    Word had reached The News Radiophone operator that others have also thought of attaching a phonograph record horn to the receiving apparatus, but the dance of the boys and girls at 180 Parker is the first on record in this vicinity.
    The concerts, as well as news bulletins, are to continue nightly (except Sunday) and it is not improbable that other wireless telephone dances will be held in the near future. The one phonograph in The News office will supply the musical accompaniment for these, whether they be in Detroit or in Canada.
    Monday afternoon the returns of the Dempsey-Miske fight at Benton Harbor will be sent out by the Radiophone operator.