Even if Charles Minor had gotten his wish to have his orchestra play over the radio it would not have been the first time this happened, because the preceeding February an orchestra in California had transmitted a concert.
Lowell (Massachusetts) Sun, April 10, 1920, page 16:
The suggestion is now made that after the demonstration of the transmission of music by the wireless telephone, one orchestra centrally located in the city could furnish music for several halls in the city and surrounding towns at the same time. The drawback in this proposition, however, is that wireless music is costly. The apparatus used at the dance of the Lowell Radio club was worth a sum of well over $2000. Another drawback for such a plan is that aerials, besides the other necessary apparatus, would have to be erected in each of the dance halls. If the dance hall were in a steel building the aerial would have to be on the roof or outside because the ether waves transmitting the music would be absorbed into the ground when they struck the steel. In the case of a wooden building the vibrations go right through the walls to an aerial stretched inside. During the Radio Club dance, Charles Minor, the leader of the orchestra, wanted to take his musicians down to the Dartmouth where the music was being sent out by wireless telephone, to play in the club rooms so that the dancers in Associate hall could dance by the strains of his orchestra transmitted by wireless telephone. He wanted the privilege of saying that his was the first orchestra to furnish music by wireless telephone for a public dance in the country. It would have been quite a distinction.