Colorado Springs Gazette, May 13, 1920, page 10:
Reynolds Prepares to Send Messages by Wireless Phone
Dr. W. D. Reynolds, 729 South Prospect street, received a set of wireless telephone instruments yesterday from the United States forestry offices at Denver. The equipment was all in good order and Dr. Reynolds and his helpers were working late into the night last night setting up the apparatus and getting it in good order for experimenting. He said last night that they were going to try to get Denver first and that he expected no difficulty in reaching this and other stations equipped with wireless telephones.
Colorado Springs Gazette, May 14, 1920, page 8:
Dance Music by Wireless Transmitted by Reynolds
Jazz by telephone is the latest brand of harmony used for dancing in Colorado Springs. Pupils at the High school who experiment in wireless telephony and telegraphy received the canned music from the home of Dr. W. D. Reynolds last night, and tripped the light fantastic to it with satisfaction.
The first telephonic message transmitted by wireless between Denver and Colorado Springs was received by Dr. Reynolds yesterday from the United States forestry offices at Denver. The wireless telephone instrument was installed Wednesday at his home, 729 South Prospect avenue.
"We tried jazz phonograph music on the wireless phone, as well as conversation," he said last night, "and found that it could be heard distinctly, even to the wailing of the saxophone."
If the wireless telephones prove as successful as they are believed to be, they will be used by the United States forestry service in all of the forestry stations, when they will be helpful in case of fires and accidents. The instrument installed in Dr. Reynolds home permits the clear transmission of messages for a distance of about 75 miles, under any weather conditions.