The original copy of this article comes from
Syracuse Post-Standard, June 27, 1920, pages 6, 9:
Syracusan  "Listens  In"  On  Messages  Going  Through  Air
Melville R. Potter and his wireless equipment
Syracuse  Man  Strings  "Aerials"  in  Attic  of  Home  and  "Listens  in"  on  Band  Concerts  at  Deal  Beach  Station.


    A piercing not unmusical whistle sings in your ear. The operator turns to adjust two buttons while the siren-like song rises in volume, then losing its power much like the scream of a hoot owl at night.
    The whistle becomes a full drone--then far off, almost inaudible--you feel rather than hear the cadence of music. A few twists of the adjustment buttons and pitch is raised. You begin to hear music--music out of the air.
    The bulbs above you begin to glow, then shine with a soft light and the music becomes clearer--so clear that it seems to be in the room.
Music  via  Wireless.
    That is music over the wireless telephone--music shot out into the air, carried over a wave of ether--250 miles away, from the testing plant of the Western Electric company at Deal Beach, N. J.
    At least one wireless amateur in Syracuse has been successful in catching the weekly concerts, to sit at home with his receivers clapped over his ears and listen to music and conversation carried through the air through three states.
    He is Melville R. Potter of No. 411 Sterling avenue, service manager for the Genesee Motor Car company. A reporter for The Post-Standard listened in on the latest demonstration, which was eminently successful despite a large amount of static which interfered to some extent with all wireless equipment that night.
Complimented  on  Ability.
    Mr. Potter has rigged up at home one of the finest wireless outfits outside of the big testing laboratories. Not only has he been successful in catching the concerts of the Western Electric company but also he has taken part in tests conducted by the company in attempting to check the "damping" which so far has hindered perfect transmission of music over the wireless phone. He has been complimented by the Western Electric company for his ability to catch their concerts.
    One of the unusual features of Mr. Potter's wireless outfit is the aerial equipment. Instead of long aerials strung high overhead, with the resulting danger from lightning. Mr. Potter has strung a bundle of wire across his attic. With this equipment he has had perfect success with not only the wireless phone but in straight wireless as well.
Clear  Music  in  Receiver.
    Amplifying the wireless waves with two audion bulbs, the most minute waves are stepped up and tuned so that clear musical waves are caught in the receiver.
    During the demonstration the other night, the Western Electric announcer 250 miles away sang out his features like a side show barker. Inasmuch as the wireless phone was developed first in naval warfare, many of the nautical terms have crept into its strange lexicon which is as distinct and original as the lexicon of our telephonic communication.
    "Hello, hello, hello, Western Electric company, Box 300, Deal Beach, N. J. talking," sang out the announcer. His voice had something of the twang of those days when we used to listen to the old wax Edison records.
Hear  Needle  on  Record.
    "A phonograph selection, 'Dixie is Dixie Once More,' " he continued. A moment passed, then you heard a scraping noise you instantly guessed was the needle on the record and then the music began, jazzing its way to the finish.
    The announcer broke in:
    "Stand by! stand by! A band is coming down the street to play a concert for us."
    You heard the muffled music for a moment and then it crashed into the room, startling your ear drums, altho the instruments were playing more than 250 miles away. The band quick stepped through another light jazz and was silent. Then came the stirring music of the "Anvil Chorus." Another phonograph record and the first part of the concert was over.
    Listening to the music out of the air brought thoughts of the strange world of nature. For a moment the electric light darkened the room, except for the softly glowing audion bulbs, intensifying the illusion.
Signals  From  Germany.
    Outdoors children were romping in the twilight, men and women who had worked hard during the day were enjoying themselves in the early night air.
    Yet all about them were these strange songs of nature, if only their ears had been tuned to hear.
    Waiting for the second part of the concert to begin large Deforest coils were plugged into the wireless set. A few buttons were turned and out of the jumble of sounds came a clear dot-dash message over straight wireless. It was the Carnovan station in Wales working with New Brunswick. Another coil was introduced and as the button was turned a veritable jumble of wireless flashes could be heard, all the coast stations sparking their messages off to far off stations on the other aide of the Atlantic. Then there came a stronger sound. Sayville working with Nauen, Germany. The air was full of the strange music.
    And out of doors a child cried. That was music all the world could hear.