Lowell (Massachusetts) Sun, April 6, 1920, page 1:
To be thoroughly convinced of the present developments of the wireless telephone as marking an epoch of advancement in the wireless work one need only attend the exhibition to be given as a feature of the dance by the Lowell Radio club in Associate hall this evening. Music for the dancing from an acolian-vocalian in the club rooms in the Dartmouth building will be sent through the air into Associate hall where it will be reproduced with sufficient amplification as to be heard in every part of the hall.
Lowell is the first city in the country to be given the opportunity of witnessing a public demonstration of this invention and no doubt thousands will witness and enjoy the demonstration. During the past week successful experiments have been made so that members of the club feel that everything will run in first class order.
As an additional feature Mayor Thompson will deliver a short speech in the club rooms which will also be reproduced by wireless in Associate hall.
The demonstrations will be given under the direction of a capable band of wireless men, 8.30 and 11.30, and at all other times during the evening dancing to music of a regular orchestra will be in order.