New York Call, January 16, 1921, page 3:


Planned  to  Organize  Wireless  League  of  Western  Producers--Will  Provide  Market  News.

    The evening entertainment of the middle Western farmer need not always consist of reading the Almanac or the mail-order-house catalogue.
    As soon as supper is over he's going to be able soon to take down his wireless receiver from the wall, clamp the headpiece over his ears and listen in. He will hear band concerts, opera singers, the world's famous monologuists. And this will be varied by an hour of business information, crop reports, market reports, the state of trade, advice whether to sell his hogs or hold them, and all those things so necessary to the transaction of modern farming business, and which he may get a day or two later through the ordinary channels.
    A movement is now on foot to organise the farmers throughout the West in a wireless league, and to establish a central bureau under government auspices from which these up-to-the-minute reports may be issued.
    R. M. Keator of the De Forest radio laboratories, has already proved the commercial possibilities of such a venture. Under his direction a nightly concert is given at the laboratories and sent broadcast between 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock in the evening, on 1,400 meter wave-lengths. Thousands of amateurs are "listening in" at these entertainments, as is evidenced by the heavy mail that comes to the laboratories after each event.
    The sets to be used are simple, efficient, and not costly. With one of them an amateur can even hear European stations and they don't require a knowledge of telegraphic code, which has hitherto been one of the checks to the rapid growth of the wireless.