Richmond Times-Dispatch, June 11, 1922, page 18:
Experts Are Now Turning Their Attention to This Possibility.
[By United News.]
WASHINGTON, June 10--Experts, government and otherwise, are now turning their attention to the possible combination of the wire or "land" telephone and the radio broadcasts.
The first hint of that endeavor has come with the broadcasting of President Harding's speech at the Lincoln Memorial dedication. On this occasion the loud-speaking telephone--just coming into its on--was used in combination with the radio broadcast. Then, too, there was the added feature of broadcasting simultaneously on two separate wave length.
Not Possible Yet.
apparently combining of land telephony and radio telephony. Obviously, it is pointed out, "plugging in" 12,000,000 telephones so as to listen in on an address sent out through the microphone or loud-speaking telephone is physically impossible for some time to come. However, it is possible to cover the immediate audience with the instrument and at the same time use the amplified voice as a radio broadcast. Thus the address is made accessible to amateurs all over the country.
The natural development of this idea, first tried out on a large scale at the Lincoln Memorial dedication, officials contend, is further amplification of the voice through the medium of the loud-speaking telephone so as to take in definite areas across the country. Each area would then offer receiving opportunities for the crystal detector set, whereas the memorial speeches were more largely accessible to vacuum tube sets--the more expensive and elaborate type of receiving set.
Reasoning along this line, officials believe the time may come when the loud-speaking telephone can be so applied to radio as to simplify if not eliminate may of the broadcasting stations throughout the country. This links up with General Squier's "wired wireless" idea, in that radio is most effective when it is guided. just as water is capable of the most force when it is run through a narrow channel or tube.
This new experimentation, officials declare, is just one more argument in favor of the assertion that the radio art is finding its own level. The combination of the loud-speaking telephone and the radio broadcaster may offer a substantial contribution to solving the problem of interference and congestion in the ether.