When the radio fever began sweeping the country, telephone men naturally became interested.
Some saw in it possibilities of using it as an auxiliary to increase their revenues--but most telephone managers could not see exactly where the wire telephone service could be combined with the receiving of radio broadcasting and bring in a financial return. However, it was the natural thing for them to experiment and endeavor to attain the reputation of being "the local authority" on things radio as well as telephonic--for "who knows what will develop."
Here is a story by a Kansas manager telling how he has turned his radio receiving set into a revenue developer. Undoubtedly other managers are utilizing radio as a revenue producer--and many others should, either as a source of increased personal income for themselves, through the sale of radio equipment, or for their companies through the use of its facilities.
Mr. Gustafson will answer questions as to his experiences in the working of his plan--but let's hear from the others who are also experimenting to find the answer to the question--"How can the telephone man profit from radio?"