Baltimore Sun, June 13, 1922, page 24:
President And Party Expected To Reach Baltimore About 1.30 O'Clock Tomorrow.
Key Memorial Ceremony To Be Followed By Reception--Phone Co. Refuses Broadcast Wire.
Arrangements for President Harding's visit to Baltimore tomorrow, to speak at the unveiling of the memorial to Francis Scott Key in Fort McHenry, were completed yesterday at a meeting of the Citizens' Committee at the Hotel Emerson. Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, chief aide to the President, assisted in mapping out the program.
The President will motor from Washington with a large party, including Mrs. Harding, Brig.-Gen. Charles E, Sawyer, his private physician, and his secretary, George B. Christian. They will be met at the city line on the Washington Boulevard at 1.30 P. M. by Mayor Broening and members of the reception committee, headed by W. Bladen Lowndes, chairman, and ride over a route that will take them through Carroll and Druid Hill parks, and around Washington Monument.
School Pupils to Participate.
The mayor announced that he would request the School Board to have the classes in the schools dismissed an hour earlier than usual to permit the children to gather along the route and see the President. He also announced that he had arranged with the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company for the use of amplifiers, through which the President's address would be carried to Latrobe and Druid Hill parks for the benefit of those unable to get into Fort McHenry because of the crowds.
It is estimated that 10,000 can be accommodated on the lawn in Latrobe Park, near the fort. The instrument in Druid Hill Park will be placed at the Mansion House. Fort McHenry will be open to the public, but seats will be provided for invited guests only.
Amplfiers Are Tested.
The amplifiers were tested at the fort yesterday by the Mayor, Lieutenant-Colonel Sherrill, Major D. L. Weart, U. S. A.; J. Cookman Boyd, president of the Park Board, and Frederick R. Huber.
President and Mrs. Harding will leave the official car at the city line and enter on open car provided by the citizens' committee, in which they will ride through the city. In the Mayor's party, in addition to Mr. Lowndes and Mr. Huber, will be Van Lear Black, C. T. Williams, Richard W. Alexander, Paul Patterson, Thomas Hildt, William F. Lucas, Jr., C. M. Harwood, Representative J. Charles Linthicum and James H. Preston.
Will Drive Through City.
With his escort the President and his party will proceed along the Washington Boulevard to Carroll Park, to Monroe street, to Elgin avenue, to Pensylvania avenue, to Mendawmin avenue, to Druid Hill Park, through the park to Mount Royal avenue, to Charles street, to Monument street, to St. Paul street, to Lexington street, to Holliday street, to Fayette street, to Calvert street, to the Hotel Emerson, where the party will be entertained at luncheon.
In the trip to the fort the party will ride west on Baltimore street to Light, south to Key Highway, thence to Fort avenue to Fort McHenry, passing to the left of the Immigration Station and on to the site of the memorial.
Rooms will be provided at the hotel for all in the President's party, and they will be given an opportunity to rest and refresh themselves before luncheon, which is set for 2.30 o'clock. There will be about a hundred persons at the luncheon, it is estimated.
Afterward the trip to Fort McHenry will be made, the President and those in his party being met there by Col. A. P. Herring, the chief medical officer, and Surgeon F. A. Luce.
The President and his party will circle Carroll Park to give the President a view of Carroll Mansion, one of the show places.
After greeting the disabled soldiers the President will take his place on the stand.
Will Be Guests At France Home.
After the exercises President and Mrs. Harding will be the guests of Senator and Mrs. Joseph I. France at tea, after which the Executive and those accompanying him will return to Washington.
Much disappointment has been expressed at the unwillingness of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company to arrange for a direct wire from the fort to the radio stations at Anacostia, Arlington or Annapolis, so that the President's address might be sent broadcast over the world, especially as it was announced that arrangements had been made by the company for transmitting the address to a local broadcasting station which has a radius of not more than 400 miles.