Two Navy stations broadcast the Lincoln Memorial Dedication: NOF, in the Anacostia section of Washington, D.C., operating on 412 meters (728 kilohertz on the AM (mediumwave) band), and NAA, located across the Potomac River in Arlington, Virginia, transmitting on the longwave wavelength of 2,650 meters (113 kilohertz).
Pennsylvania (Harrisburg) Patriot, May 31, 1922, page 1:

Hear  Harding  Here

    Scores of "radio fans" in Harrisburg yesterday heard the addresses of President Harding and Chief Justice Taft at the Lincoln Memorial dedication yesterday.
    Shortly before 2 o'clock, the naval broadcasting station at Anacostia, Md., at 412 meters, turned to carry 500 miles, was picked up by the local receiving stations. Those who tuned their receivers to 2650 meter wave length were able to get the proceedings relayed by the larger station at Arlington, which broadcasted 1000 miles.
    Local radio enthusiasts said they could catch every word of the speeches and the applause which greeted the speakers. The program was not completed until after 4 o'clock.