In spite of this enthusiastic review of what appeared to be an impending introduction of the paging service, this innovative use of radio does not appear to have gone into widespread use at this time.
New York Times, January 18, 1922, page 3:


Every  Patrolman  Is  to  Have  a  Pocket  Apparatus  Connecting  Him  With  Headquarters.

Special to The New York Times.
    CHICAGO, Jan. 17.--Every policeman traveling a beat in Chicago is to be equipped with a miniature wireless telephone, a small apparatus to be carried in the pocket, by means of which he can be in communication with headquarters every moment.
    The wireless telephone is not exactly an untried experiment. It was employed to some extent by Secret Service men during the war, and since then great improvements have been made.
    The patrolman will be able to receive a message, but he cannot send one. The instrument, which can readily be held in the hand, has a receiver and when properly "tuned in" with headquarters permits the holder to hear his message as distinctly as from a call box under the present system. The receiving antennae will be placed in the lining of the policeman's coat.
    The signal that headquarters is calling him is given by a buzzing sound from the antennae, and he then places the receiver to his ear and receives the message.
    The adoption of this system gives police headquarters instant supervision over the entire city. Policemen may be dispatched to any spot at any time without headquarters being obliged to wait until they "report in" at their patrol boxes, as at present. A few minutes gained in this manner will be of immense value in fighting crime.
    Later, with more improved instruments, the patrolman will be able to send messages to his superiors. Patrol wagons and rifle squads are already being equipped with wireless telephones and can both send and receive from any point in the city.
    The first pocket telephones will be distributed in two months and by the end of the year, it is said, the entire force will be supplied.
Radio World, April 15, 1922, page 26:
Chicago police officer

Chicago  Claims  First  Radio  Police

    Chicago was the first city to officially adopt the radiotelephone for use in its police department, and, by means of this newest development of the wireless age, is better able to cope with crime.
    The Chicago police, under the direction of Chief Fitzmorris, has installed a system whereby officers on patrol duty are in constant touch with headquarters. Each patrolman is furnished a pocket wireless set by means of which he is able to pick up messages from headquarters. If the report of a crime is received at headquarters, the alarm is sent out immediately and all officers are quickly informed.
    A flying squadron of automobile radio stations is also included. These autos are fitted out with a full transmitting set and are able to send messages in addition to receiving the new service is practical.