Popular Radio, September, 1922, page 71:
A Scheme for Paying Artists for Broadcasting
WHO will pay for the broadcasting programs? The question has been seriously agitating the radio world for many months; sooner or later it must be answered in some way by some one. Many solutions of the problem are being put forward; one of the latest schemes has been projected by an organization created in New Orleans that calls itself "The National Co-Operative Radio Society," the purpose of which is not financial gain, but "to effect a community of interest among parties who are now interested or may hereafter become interested in radio telephony" and to establish the whole broadcasting business upon a sound economic basis.
Briefly, the society aims to build or lease and to operate a chain of broadcasting stations, each of about 1000 miles radius, throughout the country. It proposes to divide the country into zones and to relay the program from zone to zone. It also proposes to pay for the talent it employs and to establish a daily program lasting from 10 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock at night. The costs of all this will be borne by the members of this society, who will be assessed sums not to exceed $12.00 a year. The plan is said to have the backing of a number of owners of receiving sets as well as of numerous manufacturers, jobbers and dealers. According to the announcement, the membership is open:
1. To any individual or firm who may be interested in the welfare of radio telephony.
2. To any individual, or firm, owning a receiving set, or who may contemplate owning a receiving set.
3. To any corporation, manufacturer, distributor, jobber, or dealer in radio apparatus or complete receiving sets, or kindred lines. (These are urged to take as many memberships as may be warranted by the pecuniary benefits to accrue from increased sales, due to De Luxe Program properly broadcasted by the National Society.)
4. To any radio engineer, or other individual holding certificate, or permission to broadcast or receive.
5. Honorary memberships may be extended when considered advisable by the National Committee on Memberships.