One small error in this list is that KSD in Saint Louis, Missouri is listed as "KSB".

Radio Broadcast, January, 1923, page 256:
Western  Electric  Broadcasting
Stations  in  the  U.  S.
A glance at this list and map may give you some data on stations you have been hearing. Most of these are class B stations, transmitting on 400 meters.


Detroit (Mich.) News500WWJB
Detroit (Mich.) Free Press500WCXB
Kansas City (Mo.) Star500WDAFB
Atlanta (Ga.) Journal500WSBB
St. Louis (Mo.) Post Dispatch500KSBB
Rochester (N. Y.) Democrat & Chronicle100WHAMA
Louisville (Ky.) Courier Journal500WHASA
L. Bamberger & Co., Newark, N. J.500WORB
Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co., N. Y. City500WBAY--2XYB
Shepard Stores, Boston, Mass.100WNACA
John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, Pa.500WOOB
Union Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio500WJAXA
Palmer School, Davenport, Iowa500WOCB
Western Electric Co., New York500WEAF--2XBB
Sweeney Automobile School, K. C., Mo.500WHBB
Mo. State Marketing Bu., Jefferson C., Mo.500WOSA
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Troy, N. Y.500WHAZB
Round Hills Radio Corp., South Dartmouth, Mass.100WMAF--1XVA
W. S. Harris, Minneapolis, Minn.500WLAGA
Fort Worth (Texas) Star Telegram500WBAPB
Chicago Daily News, Chicago, Ill.500WMAQA
Dallas (Texas) News500WFAAB
Gimbel Bros., Philadelphia, Pa.500WIPA
Times Mirror, Los Angeles, Cal.500KHJB
Oregonian Pub. Co., Portland, Ore.500KGW
        Class A--operating on 360 meters.
  B--"  "  400    "
Western Electric Transmitters