Although this memo states that there were eight locations with organized radio broadcasting in the United States, at this time there were actually more, although the listed sites included some of the most prominent operations. Four of the listed cities were locations of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company stations: Springfield [WBZ]; Newark [WJZ]; Pittsburgh [KDKA], and Chicago [KYW]. Detroit was the home of WBL (which three months later would change its callsign to WWJ), operated by the Detroit News. San Francisco at this time had the most broadcasting activity of any U.S. city, beginning in mid-1920, and included a number of experimental stations in the process of being converted to broadcasting service authorizations, plus AGI, operated by the Army at the Presidio.
Memo (American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Department of Operation and Engineering, John F. Bratney and Harley C. Lauderback), mid-December, 1921, reprinted in Commercial Broadcasting Pioneer: The WEAF Experiment, 1922-1926, William Peck Banning, 1946, page 66:
    Radio Telephone Broadcasting is now being carried on at eight different points throughout the country . . . . There is apparently considerable demand for this service and it would seem that, if properly conducted, it would be of considerable value to the public. The purpose of this memorandum is to discuss the various phases of radio telephone broadcasting, its potential value to the public . . . . presupposing that the Bell System desires to enter the field.
    Broadcasting stations, operated either by amateurs or by radio telephone apparatus manufacturers, are now located at Springfield, Mass.; Newark, N. J.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Detroit, Mich.; Chicago, Ill.; Los Angeles, Cal.; San Francisco, Cal.; and Seattle, Wash.; . . . . as to the number of receiving stations throughout the country at present more or less adequately equipped to receive the service, conservative estimates vary from 100,000 to 500,000 stations, probably one-half of which are along the East Coast . . . . The equipment at these stations is more or less capable of receiving radio telephone broadcasting in the event that broadcasting stations of sufficient power were established.
     . . . . The present broadcasting is going forward at various wave lengths between 200 and 800 meters and, as yet, no definite regulations or standards have been effected . . . . a chaotic condition . . . .
    Our proposed plans call for the installation of 38 broadcasting stations . . . . The radius of each of these stations will be from 100 miles upward . . . . It is proposed to give a very reliable service at reasonable cost . . . . Without straining our imagination we can appreciate the value of this broadcasting service particularly to the rural and outlying sections throughout the middle and far west.
    This service would enable the national and local advertisers, industrial institutions of all kinds, and even individuals if they desire, to send forth information and advertising matter audibly to thousands . . . .
     . . . . A first consideration is that the material broadcasted . . . . be desirable to the receiver so that the demand for service will be stimulated.
     . . . . Our present plans do not contemplate our providing talent for entertainment . . . . we propose to be responsible for the quality of the service in so far as the broadcasting is concerned.